If your sinus symptoms get worse as the temperatures drop, there’s one thing that’s certain -- it’s not just in your head.

While sinus inflammation most commonly takes place during the spring and summer months because of seasonal allergies, there are plenty of people who suffer from sinusitis year-round. For certain individuals, sinus symptoms actually increase during fall and winter.

There are several factors that can aggravate the sinuses and trigger winter sinus flare-ups. Cold weather usually means drier air, both outside and indoors, due to heating in the home. Breathing in drier air can make your nose dry out and develop extra mucus, which can thicken and result in congestion and inflammation.

You can, however, take steps to help keep your sinuses in check this winter.

Today, your local McAllen certified physician assistant, Jonathan Lerma, and his loyal team of sinus relief specialists at the Glatz Group of Valley ENT will list 5 strategies to help you avoid winter sinus flare-ups and protect your sinuses.

Top 5 Tips for Protecting Your Sinuses This Winter

1. Vacuum and Dust On a Regular Basis

Indoor allergens such as dust and pet dander are common triggers of sinusitis. Rugs, blankets, upholstered furniture, and winter bedding tend to collect extra allergens, which can make your sinusitis worse. These triggers may intensify during the winter months since there may be less air circulation in your home and pets may be spending more time indoors. 

Vacuuming and dusting with a damp cloth frequently can help lessen your exposure to allergens and other sinus-irritating particles. It can also be beneficial to make sure your winter bedding is dry and dust-free.

2. Improve Your Home’s Air Quality 

One of the most important steps you can take to help ease winter sinus issues is to make sure the air you’re breathing is of the best quality possible.

Using a humidifier will help fight the dry air that comes from heating your home and to keep your sinuses moist. Also, running a HEPA air filter to eliminate irritating particles and allergens in the air can help your whole respiratory system function better.

3. Get Steamy 

Taking a hot shower and using steam is a simple, effective remedy that can help relieve sinus pressure and headaches. The steam from a hot shower may support the thinning and loosening of mucus and congestion, allowing for better drainage.

The combination of moisture and warmth can soothe the irritation of the nasal passageways, and in particular cases, may help clear up a stuffy nose, at least temporarily.

4. Keep Your Nose Clean

Using a neti pot or other nasal irrigation tool is a great way to help alleviate sinus congestion. With regular use, it can help to keep sinus symptoms at bay while maintaining sinus health.

These instruments work by flushing out clogged sinuses and nasal openings with a saline solution. Rinsing daily helps to keep the nose and sinuses clear and moisturized, while also ridding your passageways of irritants, allergens, and bacteria that can cause an infection.

It’s critical to use only filtered, boiled, or distilled water, and to properly clean the pot after every use. Don’t use water straight from the tap.

5. Steer Clear of Germs

Winter is the prime season for the cold, flu, and other viruses that provoke inflammation of the nasal passages, congestion, and the thickening of mucous. Catching a cold can make you more susceptible to having further sinus troubles, and when symptoms persist, it may result in a sinus infection.

To protect your sinus health, take precautionary measures to avoid getting sick. Basic measures to help keep your immune system strong include:

Sinus Relief Specialists in McAllen

Feel like you’ve tried everything and are still stuck with chronic sinus symptoms? If your winter sinus flare-ups just won’t seem to disappear, it may be time to visit your local ENT at Glatz Group of Valley ENT.

With COVID-19 cases on the rise this winter, we will keep offering alternative methods to have your symptoms addressed with telemedicine, where you can be assisted without leaving your home. For in-person appointments, we ensure that all precautionary steps are being taken every day -- and we also take calls.

Take control of your sinusitis this winter. Enjoy the season without sinus troubles when you stop by The Glatz Group of Valley ENT!


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Any viral infection of the ears, nose, sinuses, or throat is referred to as an upper respiratory infection, or a URI.

These types of infections can be spread through direct contact, a cough, or a sneeze. While the most typical URI is the common cold, sinus infections, sore throat, and ear infections are other examples of URIs that can arise.

URIs frequently affect individuals mostly during fall and winter months, when the weather cools down. However, they can also happen in the spring and summer months. Most of the time, a URI is no big deal and goes away on its own within a week or so. Unfortunately, there are cases that may require medical attention or even some form of surgery.

Your McAllen certified physician assistant Jonathan Lerma and his team of sinus relief specialists at the Glatz Group of Valley ENT are here to help you understand what causes respiratory infections and offer some solutions.

URI Symptoms

If you have an upper respiratory infection, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms:

You can also have these symptoms with other conditions such as the flu, allergies or a bacterial infection. Most upper respiratory infections last from a few days to two weeks and cause no lasting issues.

What Causes Upper Respiratory Infections?

Many upper respiratory infections are caused by viruses. In fact, over 200 viruses can lead to symptoms similar to a cold. You’re more likely to suffer from an upper respiratory infection in the winter months when you spend more time indoors. Being in close contact with people who are sick also increases your risk.

Unfortunately, the viruses that cause upper respiratory infections are contagious and can spread easily from person to person, and can live on surfaces for up to 24 hours. Viruses can also access your nose and throat through the air, when someone with an upper respiratory tract infection coughs or sneezes near you.

Although upper respiratory infections and colds are inconvenient and make you feel lousy, they’re not uncommon. The average adult gets two to four colds per year and children get twice as many. If it seems like your child always has a cold, you’re not imagining it!

Treatment Options for URIs

Treatment for a URI usually involves limiting discomfort. The following things can help lessen the severity or duration of the symptoms:

Some over-the-counter medicines may also help adults with URI symptoms. These include:




Some people use home remedies to help alleviate URI symptoms. These include:

If your symptoms do not subside after a week or so or worsen over time, see an ENT specialist. Your McAllen ENT at Glatz Group can conduct a thorough exam and determine if the URI is a sign of a more serious condition like bronchitis, pneumonia, or allergies.

In the event that this is the case, antibiotics or an alternative treatment might be necessary. Many patients experience an improvement in their allergies after balloon sinuplasty, a minimally invasive procedure we provide at our office.

URI Prevention

There are several ways you can minimize your risk of catching a URI.

Wash your hands regularly with soap and warm water to prevent the spread of germs. Also, stay away from anyone who has a URI and wipe down doorknobs, countertops, and other frequently touched surfaces. In addition, do not smoke or vape, and use a tissue to cover your mouth any time you cough or sneeze.

Feel Better and Breathe Better With the Glatz Group of Valley ENT

Given the current circumstances of COVID-19, we still offer alternative options to have your symptoms addressed, including telemedicine.

For in-person appointments, your safety and comfort come first. For the peace of mind of all of our loyal patients and staff members, we’re taking all possible precautionary measures to protect our clients and team from the spread of COVID-19.

Don’t ignore your respiratory infection if it persists. Feel like yourself again after stopping by The Glatz Group of Valley ENT!

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