Everyone knows that the ear is responsible for detecting sounds, and plenty of people know that the ears contribute to our sense of balance. Despite that, most of us tend to take our ears for granted in our everyday lives.
Unfortunately, there are plenty of problems that can seriously impact our ears’ function. To avoid, prevent, or delay the development of such issues, it’s important that each of us is aware of some of the common signs and effects. Below, you can read about some of the most common problems affecting the ears from your McAllen sinus specialists at Glatz Group of Valley ENT.
Hearing loss is one of the most common problems that brings people in to visit their ENT. If you’re experiencing a loss of hearing, seeing a doctor in a timely manner could make a big difference in your recovery. Not all hearing loss is experienced the same, and different types require different treatments. There are three main types of hearing loss
There are many conditions and factors that contribute to hearing loss. Determining the cause will allow your doctor to get to the root of your hearing loss and find the proper treatment for your case. Some common causes include the following:
For many, hearing loss can be treated with rehab therapy or medical devices, but for others, surgery will be required. If you suspect you are suffering from hearing loss, contact your ear, nose, and throat doctor to get a hearing test and a complete physical exam.
Ear infections are most common in infants, but can also affect adults. These infections occur in the middle ear and are caused by a buildup of fluid and mucus. Ear infections often affect sufferers in the following ways:
To diagnose an ear infection, your ENT will use an otoscope to examine the inside of your ear. If your doctor determines that you have an ear infection, your provider will either let it heal on its own or prescribe antibiotics and pain relievers, depending on the severity of the case.
Tinnitus is experienced by sufferers as a ringing, roaring, clicking, hissing, or buzzing sound inside the ear. Cases of tinnitus vary between from person to person and can range from loud and high pitched to soft and low pitched. Those with tinnitus often suffer from trouble hearing, working, and sleeping. Tinnitus is often caused by the following issues and circumstances:
The treatment that your ENT chooses will depend on the severity of your case, but common solutions may include prescription medication, hearing aids, sound-masking devices, or different tips for how to function and cope with the noise.
Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear that causes tinnitus, extreme dizziness, periodic hearing loss, and ear pain and pressure. Those suffering from Meniere’s disease often describe having short spurts of dizziness, tinnitus, or muffled hearing. In severe cases, “drop attacks” will occur in which the sufferer's dizziness is so intense that it causes the individual to lose their balance and fall to the ground.
Unfortunately, the precise cause of Meniere’s is unknown, but many scientists believe it is caused by increased fluid levels or the mixing of fluids within the canals of the inner ear. Because the exact cause of the disease is unknown, ENTs usually diagnose this disease based on symptoms and a physical exam.
Treatment for Meniere’s won’t cure it, but it will help alleviate the symptoms you experience. Your ENT may recommend taking certain medications to control dizziness, limiting the amount of salt you intake, or taking water pills. You may potentially be eligible for an outer ear device that sends air pulses to the middle ear. If none of these treatments are successful, surgery may be required.
If you’ve experienced any of the symptoms associated with these common ear problems, it may be time to schedule an exam with your McAllen sinus relief specialists.
Don’t wait to get relief and take your life back. Make an appointment today to get a hearing assessment and discuss your treatment options with the team at Glatz Group.
Enlarged turbinates block air from passing freely through your nose, making it difficult to breathe, sleep, and function. This makes it necessary to reduce the size of your turbinates and clear the nasal passages, allowing for easier breathing.
This procedure is known as turbinate reduction.
Before having this procedure, many people like to weigh its pros and cons to determine if it is worth having. Learn what the benefits of turbinate reduction are from your McAllen sinus specialists at Glatz Group of Valley ENT.
Turbinate reduction, also referred to as turbinate surgery, is a procedure where the nasal turbinates, the fleshy structures inside your nose, are examined and reduced in size to allow air to flow freely through the nasal passages.
When performed, this surgical procedure usually goes inside the nostril on both sides of the nose and takes under 10 minutes to complete.
Whether it’s the amount of recovery time or the quality of life, these factors play a big role when patients decide to go forward with the procedure. A few pros are:
Although this procedure is done under general anesthesia, it is still an outpatient procedure, meaning you will get to go home the same day. Having an outpatient procedure also means that the recovery time is faster and you will be able to return to work in a few days.
Once performed, turbinate reduction will clear your nasal passageway, allowing you to breathe better at night. Sleep apnea is a common reason for getting this procedure and many find that their sleep is no longer disrupted after.
If your turbinates are swollen, it can result in pain or pressure in your head along with frequent headaches. After the procedure is done, the turbinates are no longer the cause of pain and pressure, which can lessen the chance of your headaches.
Another side effect of swollen turbinates is a stuffy nose. Once the turbinate reduction is done, the sinuses will be cleared, making it easier for air to flow through and improving your breathing.
With every procedure, there are bound to be side effects. Patients will often choose to move forward with the procedure if the pros outweigh the cons or the cons are manageable.
Some cons of turbinate reduction include:
If you have to have the whole turbinate removed, you will be unable to feel air passing through your nasal passages, resulting in the feeling of an empty nose. In cases such as this one, there is no treatment for it.
Depending on the case, some may have frequent drying and crusting of the nose. This can often be solved by using humidifiers, sea salt and saline nasal rinses, and avoiding caffeine.
The dryness that sometimes occurs can result in a greater number of nosebleeds. This can also be treated with the use of humidifiers and nasal rinses.
Although these side effects can happen after a procedure, they can often be avoided by seeing a physician who is board-certified in turbinate reduction.
Once it is confirmed that you have enlarged turbinates, our Physician Assistant (PA), Jonathan Lerma, who is certified through Medtronic in turbinate reduction, will perform one of the following procedures to reduce the size of your turbinates.
After each procedure, fatigue, nasal stuffiness, and mild drainage are to be expected. Because Jonathan Lerma is certified in this procedure, he and our team of sinus relief specialists will be able to walk you through each procedure and answer any questions or concerns you may have.
If you are suffering from the effects of swollen or enlarged turbinates, it may be time to schedule a turbinate reduction.
Make an appointment with Jonathan Lerma and our team of sinus relief specialists today to discuss your treatment options.
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Most people try to handle earwax buildup themselves with cotton swabs and other cleaners. However, leaving severe earwax buildup untreated can lead to serious issues, from pain to hearing loss.
Below, your reliable sinus relief specialist of Glatz Group of Valley ENT explains how earwax buildup can lead to hearing loss and how an ENT doctor can help.
Earwax, also known as cerumen, is a waxy substance meant to act as a barrier between the ear canal and dust, bacteria, and other debris. What is surprising to many is that earwax is very important to the health of the ear, as it prevents infections from happening.
Earwax is meant to naturally move itself to our outer ear through the movements our jaws make when we talk, chew, and swallow. This action breaks up the ear wax, moving it to the outside of our ear, allowing us to wipe it away without further damage.
The buildup of earwax happens when more is produced than can be moved, making it difficult for the ear to clean itself out.
The main giveaway of earwax buildup is an increased difficulty hearing. Other symptoms you may experience all depend upon the severity of the buildup and the size of your ear canal.
Some of the common symptoms of excessive earwax buildup include:
If left untreated, these symptoms can make it very uncomfortable to function on a day-to-day basis. Hearing loss can affect your work, relationships, and way of life.
At the first sign of earwax buildup, it is important to get it looked at and treated.
When it comes to treating a blockage yourself, we strongly recommend against it. When a blockage is suspected, people often turn to cotton swabs or other objects to clean it out. However, this actually has the opposite effect, pushing the earwax further back into the canal. Using a swab at home can cause an infection, irritation, and damage to your ear.
Many sufferers decide to treat themselves at home because it is easier than going to see the doctor. Unfortunately, that sort of delay is likely to increase the damage to your ear and make your doctor’s visit even more urgent.
The treatment of your earwax buildup depends on your age, the symptoms you’re experiencing, and your overall health. Many providers will first give the ear time to remove the earwax buildup on its own. However, when the buildup remains or gets worse, they may recommend the following types of treatment.
Depending on your case, your health care provider may recommend one of these treatments or a combination of the three.
If you suspect you have a case of earwax buildup, we strongly advise that you schedule an appointment with your Valley ENT instead of trying to treat it at home with other remedies.
Remember that it is always best to be evaluated by a licensed medical professional first to get the proper care and treatment for your specific case.
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September is Healthy Aging Month and Dr. Glatz believes the easiest way to achieve healthy aging is by following a few practical tips at home.
Let your trusted McAllen sinus relief specialists at Glatz Group of Valley ENT provide you with a few tips for healthy aging.
No matter your age, it is always important to eat well to keep your body healthy. By doing so, you will see a boost in your immune system, mood, and mental sharpness.
Dr. Glatz has implemented intermittent fasting into his lifestyle and has seen great results from it!
Here’s what you need to know about intermittent fasting:
During intermittent fasting, you only eat during specific times of the day. Instead of focusing so much on what you eat, it is more on when you eat. According to Hopkins, fasting for a certain number of hours each day or eating just one meal a couple of days a week, can help your body burn fat.
Fasting is focused on limiting your calorie intake. Studies on overweight adults have shown an increase in energy production and a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
However, fasting can be challenging due to the calorie intake being decreased by 30-40% each day. By intermittent fasting, you are still receiving the benefits listed above, but aren’t as restricted in your calories.
If you’re wanting to give this a try, but don’t know where to start, here are a few examples of different intermittent fasting plans:
Every method is different to accommodate varying lifestyles. It is important for your overall body health that you find the plan that best fits your existing schedule.
Regular exercise provides many benefits to your overall body health. Some of these benefits include:
One of the most beneficial exercises you can do is High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). By doing a HIIT workout, you will burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. These workouts consist of short and intense exercises followed by a period of rest. The benefits of HIIT workouts include:
Getting a good night’s sleep is key to healthy aging as it allows your body and mind to recover from a full day’s work. Benefits of sleeping well include:
Many issues can arise that cause disruptions in your sleep. It is important to pinpoint these and find a solution so you can get the quality sleep your body needs. Some disruptions include:
The thought of aging can be very overwhelming, but with Dr. Glatz’s 3 simple tips, you’ll be feeling healthier and happier in no time.