May 7, 2020

Demystifying the Balloon Sinuplasty Recovery Process

As local municipalities begin the initial processes of reintroducing society back to itself, allergy or sinus sufferers have had to endure harsh symptoms alone during this uncertain time; however, with the threat of a second wave ever the possibility, staying at home is still an option many are taking, and because of this, they continue to deal with headaches, pain and pressure, and the inability to breathe or sleep properly.

If your sinuses or allergies are acting up and medications and at-home treatments aren’t doing the trick, you may want to consider the minimally invasive procedure known as balloon sinuplasty to help relieve symptoms. 

And while we’ve discussed balloon sinuplasty before, certified McAllen physician assistant Jonathan Lerma and his sinus relief specialist team at the Glatz Group want to shed a little more light on what to expect after a balloon sinuplasty, just in case some of you were concerned about the recovery process.

Refreshing Our Memory About Balloon Sinuplasty

Balloon sinuplasty is a procedure designed to clear out blocked sinuses. Since its approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2005, balloon sinuplasty has become one of the most commonly performed types of sinus surgeries, often referred to as the “smart sinus” procedure.

This alternative treatment is recommended most for those who suffer from chronic sinusitis after other treatments for their condition have failed to relieve their symptoms. Balloon sinuplasty is pretty straightforward with minimal reported complications, and what makes this a truly effective and unique kind of procedure, there’s no cutting and no removal of bones or tissue. 

It can be done in our office, and anesthesia is optional. Note that since balloon sinuplasty is still a form of sinus surgery, it comes with the same types of risks that other kinds of sinus surgery may have, but without the debilitating and/or drawn-out recovery process.

The Process of Recovery

Because balloon sinuplasty is a minimally invasive procedure, you should be able to drive yourself home about 15 minutes afterward if you weren't given any anesthesia or sedatives, and you should also be able to resume your daily activities within a day or so. However, just like with any other surgical procedure, recovery time varies for every patient, but there are a few things you can do to help smoothen out the process:

  1. Elevate your head while sleeping to ease any feelings of congestion.
  2. Take any prescribed antibiotics given to you. These medications reduce your risk of an infection and help relieve your pain; although most patients report experiencing virtually no pain.
  3. Don't blow your nose for at least 24 hours after treatment since it’s in a delicate state.
  4. You can exercise moderately (walking is acceptable) or partake in light activities. Avoid vigorous activity for at least a week. 
  5. Rinse your nasal passageways with a saline spray for three to seven days after treatment. This helps lubricate your nose and prevent any additional bleeding.

A week after surgery, you may notice some bloody drainage or discharge from your nose. This is completely normal and isn’t worth stressing over. You might also experience swelling along with some fatigue and congestion. All of this is typical after any sinus surgery. You should be healed and free of these symptoms within five to seven days.

Make sure to follow your McAllen ENT's instructions, and the recovery process won't require as much effort than it would under traditional surgery.

The Risks and Complications

All types of sinus procedures have similar risks. The leading potential complication is an intracranial complication. In these situations, the connection between the nose and the brain is affected throughout the surgery and brain fluid could leak into your nose. This complication hardly ever occurs, but if it did, it’s generally fixed before the surgery is over.

There’s also a chance that the appearance of your nose could change slightly after treatment. Sometimes the swelling doesn’t go away for days, or the nose looks different when the swelling goes away.

If you can’t properly cleanse the area, an infection might develop that needs medical attention. And although most sinus surgery improves your sense of smell, there are instances where the surgery makes it worse.

You’ll be Glatz You Got a Balloon Sinuplasty at the Glatz Group!

With the Glatz Group, you can get fast sinus relief, and resolving your symptoms now can help you avoid health issues in the future.

As a reminder, we want to mention that we are still taking all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of all our staff and patients. We are currently utilizing telemedicine to handle the needs of those who can be helped from home.

At the same time, we are now open 6 days a week for all over your sinus needs, so if you wish to schedule an in-person examination for your allergies or sinusitis, or treatment schedule a balloon sinuplasty, we may also set you up as soon as we can.

Get the sinus relief you need at the Glatz Group.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!



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Dr. Glatz is committed to patient care and positive results. He will remain committed to solving your sinus issues. Specific guarantees depend on your insurance carrier.

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