When it comes to your allergies, understanding which treatment is right for you will depend on the severity of your symptoms and what kind of allergy you are dealing with. When considering medical care, it’s important to understand all of your options and understand exactly how they work in order to make the best decision on which treatment would work best for you.

Let your local McAllen ENT, Dr. Frank R. Glatz and his team of sinus relief specialists at the Glatz Group, provide you with a list of treatment options to manage those pesky symptoms.

Options for Treating Your Allergy Symptoms

1. Avoiding Allergies

The best way to avoid allergies before taking medication is to try your best to steer clear from whatever may trigger your symptoms. This helps to prevent issues before they even begin and curb your need for medications.

Some ways to accomplish this is by getting rid of the source of allergies, whether it be an issue within your home, a pet, or flowers in your garden that add to the problem.

2. Medications

Some people choose not to take medications because they feel as if their symptoms aren’t that serious. You may be telling yourself it’s just your allergies, but ignoring them can lead to even bigger, more painful issues like sinus or ear infections. 

However, it’s not a risk worth taking. 

There are plenty of safe, over-the-counter medications to alleviate allergy symptoms. These include, but are not limited to:

3. Immunotherapy

There are two types of immunotherapy: allergy shots and sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT).

Allergy shots, also referred to as subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT), involve getting injections of allergies in increasing doses over time. It will help you become progressively less sensitive to your allergy. 

Allergy shots can be most effective for those who suffer from allergies caused by pollen, pets, dust, bees or other stinging insects. This treatment alters the immune system, making it strong enough to prevent the development of new allergies and asthma.

Allergy tablets are a form of sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) that treat particular allergies without shots and are placed beneath the tongue. The tablets work in the same way as shots, as they tone down symptoms by helping the body defend itself against allergies. FDA-approved SLIT tablets are designed to treat allergies to ragweed, grass pollen, and dust mites. 

However, what sets tablets aside from shots is that they do not prevent the possibility of new allergies and asthma from developing. 

4. Schedule a visit with your local ENT 

If these options do not provide you relief, or your symptoms worsen, you may want to see if you’re eligible for a procedure performed in our office called balloon sinuplasty. The purpose of the balloon sinuplasty procedure is to expand your sinus passageways. Balloon sinuplasty is an effective, lasting option for patients with symptoms that haven’t been resolved with medication. 

The balloon sinuplasty procedure doesn’t require general anesthesia, and in most cases, patients are able to go about their normal activities within 24 hours.

These treatment options should be useful, but in order to determine the ideal treatment for your specific symptoms, you can count on the sinus relief team at Glatz Group to guide you in the process for a healthier tomorrow. 

If your allergy symptoms don’t go away or get worse, do not wait to schedule a consultation with Dr. Frank R. Glatz as soon as you dial (956) 631-2957. You’ll be Glatz you did!

Our sinus cavities are intricate structures that protect our nasal cavity from dirt, dust, pollutants, and micro-organisms by producing mucus to, in a sense, help flush them out. While these cavities are usually empty, they can get blocked up to the point where the mucus can’t properly drain, causing congestion with fluid that eventually leads to sinus infections, also known as sinusitis.

Gently touching your face near an infected sinus cavity can be a painful, uncomfortable feeling, but there are specific treatments you can use to alleviate sinusitis before it causes further complications.

Today, our local McAllen ENT Dr. Frank R. Glatz, certified physician assistant Jonathan Lerma, and the dedicated team of sinus relief specialists at the Glatz Group are looking into the causes of sinusitis and what you can do to ease your symptoms.

The Causes and Symptoms of Sinusitis

A sinus headache is oftentimes one of the most common symptoms of a sinus infection. When this happens, you can feel both pressure and pain behind your cheekbones and around your eyes. Other telltale symptoms and signs of a sinus infection can be nasal discharge with a yellow or green color, an unpleasant taste in your mouth, and fever. 

Sinusitis is often the result of either a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection. Despite it being a common condition, there are certain people that have greater chances of getting it, usually anyone that has:

It is also worth noting that there are two types of sinus infections: chronic and acute sinusitis. These two share similar symptoms, where chronic sinus infections may last for up to 12 weeks and can recur several times a year. Acute sinusitis is normally a temporary infection that most likely came after a cold and can last around 2 to 4 weeks.

Good hygiene, maintaining clear and moist sinuses, and treating symptoms right away with over-the-counter nasal sprays and decongestants can help lessen the severity and time of the infection. At the same time, procedures like a balloon sinuplasty at your McAllen ENT can help open the sinus cavity openings to help your body flush them out more efficiently.

At-Home Sinus Infection Treatments You Can Use

While it may be difficult for you to figure out if your sinusitis was the result of bacteria, virus, or fungus, there are some ways you can relieve some of the symptoms in the comfort of your own home. Some of these methods include: 

If At-Home Remedies Fail, It May Be Time to See Your McAllen ENT

In the vast majority of cases, sinusitis can go away by itself, but there are definitely instances when you should see your ENT doctor to treat your sinus infection if self-care options don’t do the trick. 

It’s best to see a doctor if you’re still facing sinusitis symptoms after a week has passed, if the symptoms worsen, or if they come back to haunt you more than a few occasions within a year. You should also pay a visit to your doctor if your sinus problems are a hindrance to your day-to-day life and the things you enjoy.

However, be on the lookout for fever, an increase or spread of pain, ineffective over-the-counter pain medications, and an increase in nasal discharge, as these are all signs of your sinusitis worsening. Should this happen, visit your sinus relief specialists at Glatz Group as soon as possible. There, we can help guide your sinusitis treatment and explore if balloon sinuplasty can help you overcome this type of infection in the future, especially if you suffer from chronic sinusitis.


Facing sinus problems that won’t go away or keep coming back? Your solution is only a call and appointment away! Schedule a consultation with Dr. Frank R. Glatz now by contacting us at (956) 631-2957. Rest assured, you’ll be ‘Glatz’ you did!

Allergies have an undeniable effect on your mind and body. If your allergies are seasonal, it can cause you discomfort for several weeks each year, and if your allergies are chronic it may have more dire effects on your health.

If you find yourself feeling lethargic at work or school lacking the energy to focus, focusing on lessening your allergy symptoms through a little self-care and allergy medication may be all that you need to begin feeling better.

Today, our local McAllen ENT, Dr. Frank R. Glatz and Jonathan Lerma, a certified physician assistant and a member of the sinus relief team here at the Glatz Group, review a few methods you can use to help you lessen the intensity of your allergies.

1. Keep Your Allergies in Check With Your Local ENT Today

Allergies can knock you down whether it’s seasonal or an all-year affair, but you don’t have to be left to its mercy. If you’re feeling especially drained, you may want to consider allergy shots or immunotherapy.

People who go for immunotherapy treatment get injections that include the substances they’re allergic to, in increasing amounts once or twice a week. Its purpose is to desensitize the immune system as time progresses. Immunotherapy is the best treatment if your seasonal allergy symptoms come year-round or when you don't have enough success with allergy medications or natural remedies.

2. Adopt a Healthy, Active Lifestyle

While eating right, taking vitamin supplements, and getting some exercise may provide significant health benefits to your body, it also may affect how your immune system reacts to particular allergens.

For instance, supplements like fish oil can reduce inflammation, and if your sinuses are inflamed and causing congestion, fish oil can help provide some relief. Fish oil can also:

Other supplements like quercetin and bromelain have a chance of decreasing respiratory infections and allergy symptoms. Both are made up of strong anti-inflammatory properties that help with allergy inflammation to allow the nasal canal to properly drain and recover.

Exercise, on the other hand, may strengthen your heart and lungs while fortifying your muscles, joints, and cognitive function, but it also has an effect on how your body reacts to allergens. As working out pumps the blood through your veins, it helps you manage your allergy symptoms and directs blood to the vessels in your nose, which constrict and ease the congestion you may be suffering from. Running can also release epinephrine into your system, 

While physical activity isn’t a cure for your allergies, it can help to soothe some of your symptoms. You may have to work out indoors if you have pollen allergies or outdoors if you’re allergic to dust mites, but if you can deal with some of your allergy symptoms during exercise, your body will be healthier over time.

3. Relieve Your Stress

While stress itself isn’t an official cause of allergies, it can cause your body to release hormones and chemicals like histamine that can worsen an active allergic reaction. To make matters worse, springtime is a heavy season for allergies that can leave people feeling miserable, underslept, and overly exhausted, further perpetuating their stress.

Thankfully, there are a few methods we can use to ease our stress and hopefully provide some sinus relief. Some methods to reduce stress include:

Using these calming techniques in tandem with allergy medication and any of the other tips within this article is your best bet at finding sinus relief. When all else fails, however, you have a sinus relief team at Glatz Group that is ready and willing to help you feel much better.


If your allergies persist or even worsen despite your attempts to fight it, schedule a consultation with Dr. Frank R. Glatz by contacting us at (956) 631-2957 today. You’ll be Glatz you did!

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