The new year is here! Many people are making resolutions for their health, finances, or business goals this time of year. But if you have allergies or asthma, how about working toward breathing better in 2023 by setting some allergy and asthma relief goals!

Breathing comfortably is important whether you’re staying indoors or enjoying the cooler temperatures. It will also make completing your other New Year’s resolutions easier! Keep reading to find out how you can resolve to breathe better in the new year!

1. Improve Your Home’s Air Quality!

The air in your home could be to blame for your allergy and asthma flare-ups. With all that Texas wind, dust and allergens are being blown into your home constantly. But there are ways to fix the air quality in your home!

Keeping your home clean and free of excess dust, as well as using fresh air filters, could be the key to finding relief. Sleep better and breathe easier, even with your furry friends close!

2. Practice Better Hand Hygiene!

Having uncontrolled asthma and allergies can put you at a higher risk of respiratory infections. And it’s so easy to pick up germs anywhere you go – even in your own home. One of your New Year's resolutions could be to improve your hand hygiene habits. 

You may already be doing the proper technique for hand washing. Good for you! But don’t forget to do it often throughout the day, especially after sneezing, blowing your nose, changing a diaper, using the restroom, or caring for a sick loved one. 

3. Quit Smoking!

Asthma and allergies don’t mix well with smoking — and this includes vaping! Smoking any kind of tobacco-related products can increase inflammation of the airway and decrease breathing. As you can imagine, smoking can trigger an asthma attack or allergy reaction. While a New Year’s resolution to quit smoking can be hard to keep, talk to your ENT doctor for help on how to quit smoking in 2023! 

4. Eat Better and Drink More Water!

Amazingly, what you eat and how much water you drink can affect your respiratory health! Staying hydrated and keeping your body loaded with essential vitamins and minerals can help you breathe, fight off infections, and reduce inflammation.

It’s also equally as essential to avoid certain foods that can cause further irritations to your ear, nose, and throat health. These include foods or drinks with artificial ingredients, foods that cause gas, and anything with sulfites (a type of preservative). 

5. Revisit Your Treatment Plan With the Glatz Group!

If your current allergy and asthma treatment plan doesn’t seem to be working, visit your Edinburg ear, nose, and throat doctor in the new year! Medicine is always being discovered or improved, so your treatment may benefit from an update. After all, the new year could mean a new you – including your breathing! 

Let us help you complete one of your New Year’s resolutions by allowing you to breathe better and easier in 2023! Take a deep breath and take on the world by finding asthma and allergy relief with our caring team at the Glatz Group. 

Do you want to breathe better in 2023? Cross one New Year’s resolution off your list by scheduling an appointment with the Glatz Group today! 

Breathe Better In 2023!

In the United States, 25 million Americans suffer from asthma and more than 50 million Americans have allergies. May is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month, and there’s no better time than now to educate yourself on asthma and allergies if you haven’t already done so. 

Today, your right-hand McAllen sinus relief specialists at the Glatz Group of Valley ENT will highlight everything you need to know about asthma and allergies. 

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic, long-term condition that is caused by the swelling of your airways. This results in the narrowing of the airways that carry air from the mouth and nose to your lungs. 

What Causes Asthma? 

Many things can trigger asthma with some of the most common being airborne allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, mold spores, pet dander, and particles of cockroach waste. Physical activity, respiratory infections like the common cold, and cold air can also trigger asthma for those who suffer from it. 

How You Can Control Asthma

Luckily, if you suffer from asthma, you can keep it under control by doing the following: 

What Are Allergies?

An allergy is when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance referred to as an allergen. Allergies are usually from a substance in the environment that is harmless to most people. 

What Causes Allergies?

The causes of allergies vary from person to person, but the most common causes include: 

Symptoms of Allergies

Allergic reactions can range from mild to severe. Different conditions can cause different symptoms. 

Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, can cause the following symptoms: 

A food allergy can cause the following symptoms: 

An insect sting allergy can cause:  

A drug allergy can cause: 

Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, can cause the skin to: 

How To Keep Your Allergies Under Control

Fortunately, allergies can be controlled and managed if done correctly. Allergies can be managed by using antihistamines, decongestants, and allergy shots. 

Asthma and allergies can be serious conditions if not managed properly. However, thanks to modern medicine and proper care, it is possible. 

In honor of May being National Asthma and Allergy Awareness month, you can acknowledge the importance of this event by seeking treatment for asthma or allergies if you or a loved one are suffering from either or both, or simply by spreading awareness on the matter.

Don’t let your asthma or allergy symptoms take over - visit the Glatz Group of Valley ENT. 

No one wants to live a life dealing with symptoms caused by allergies or asthma, contact the Glatz Group today to make an appointment! 

Book Your Appointment Today

If your sinus symptoms get worse as the temperatures drop, there’s one thing that’s certain -- it’s not just in your head.

While sinus inflammation most commonly takes place during the spring and summer months because of seasonal allergies, there are plenty of people who suffer from sinusitis year-round. For certain individuals, sinus symptoms actually increase during fall and winter.

There are several factors that can aggravate the sinuses and trigger winter sinus flare-ups. Cold weather usually means drier air, both outside and indoors, due to heating in the home. Breathing in drier air can make your nose dry out and develop extra mucus, which can thicken and result in congestion and inflammation.

You can, however, take steps to help keep your sinuses in check this winter.

Today, your local McAllen certified physician assistant, Jonathan Lerma, and his loyal team of sinus relief specialists at the Glatz Group of Valley ENT will list 5 strategies to help you avoid winter sinus flare-ups and protect your sinuses.

Top 5 Tips for Protecting Your Sinuses This Winter

1. Vacuum and Dust On a Regular Basis

Indoor allergens such as dust and pet dander are common triggers of sinusitis. Rugs, blankets, upholstered furniture, and winter bedding tend to collect extra allergens, which can make your sinusitis worse. These triggers may intensify during the winter months since there may be less air circulation in your home and pets may be spending more time indoors. 

Vacuuming and dusting with a damp cloth frequently can help lessen your exposure to allergens and other sinus-irritating particles. It can also be beneficial to make sure your winter bedding is dry and dust-free.

2. Improve Your Home’s Air Quality 

One of the most important steps you can take to help ease winter sinus issues is to make sure the air you’re breathing is of the best quality possible.

Using a humidifier will help fight the dry air that comes from heating your home and to keep your sinuses moist. Also, running a HEPA air filter to eliminate irritating particles and allergens in the air can help your whole respiratory system function better.

3. Get Steamy 

Taking a hot shower and using steam is a simple, effective remedy that can help relieve sinus pressure and headaches. The steam from a hot shower may support the thinning and loosening of mucus and congestion, allowing for better drainage.

The combination of moisture and warmth can soothe the irritation of the nasal passageways, and in particular cases, may help clear up a stuffy nose, at least temporarily.

4. Keep Your Nose Clean

Using a neti pot or other nasal irrigation tool is a great way to help alleviate sinus congestion. With regular use, it can help to keep sinus symptoms at bay while maintaining sinus health.

These instruments work by flushing out clogged sinuses and nasal openings with a saline solution. Rinsing daily helps to keep the nose and sinuses clear and moisturized, while also ridding your passageways of irritants, allergens, and bacteria that can cause an infection.

It’s critical to use only filtered, boiled, or distilled water, and to properly clean the pot after every use. Don’t use water straight from the tap.

5. Steer Clear of Germs

Winter is the prime season for the cold, flu, and other viruses that provoke inflammation of the nasal passages, congestion, and the thickening of mucous. Catching a cold can make you more susceptible to having further sinus troubles, and when symptoms persist, it may result in a sinus infection.

To protect your sinus health, take precautionary measures to avoid getting sick. Basic measures to help keep your immune system strong include:

Sinus Relief Specialists in McAllen

Feel like you’ve tried everything and are still stuck with chronic sinus symptoms? If your winter sinus flare-ups just won’t seem to disappear, it may be time to visit your local ENT at Glatz Group of Valley ENT.

With COVID-19 cases on the rise this winter, we will keep offering alternative methods to have your symptoms addressed with telemedicine, where you can be assisted without leaving your home. For in-person appointments, we ensure that all precautionary steps are being taken every day -- and we also take calls.

Take control of your sinusitis this winter. Enjoy the season without sinus troubles when you stop by The Glatz Group of Valley ENT!


Book Your Appointment Today

Allergies to our little furry friends are common, especially for people who already suffer from allergies or asthma, and it doesn’t help that the pandemic has given those affected no choice but to spend more time stuck at home with those allergens.

But your time cooped up at home doesn’t have to be miserable when there are options for relief. After years working alongside our McAllen ENT, Dr. Frank R. Glatz, McAllen certified physician assistant Jonathan Lerma and his team of sinus relief specialists at the Glatz Group of Valley ENT have the solutions you need when it comes to dealing with pet allergies. 

What Causes a Pet Allergy?

The immune system’s role is to locate foreign substances like viruses and bacteria and eliminate them. People with pet allergies, however, have over-sensitive immune systems, reacting to the pet's urine, saliva, or dander--a.k.a. dead flakes of skin.

Cat and dog allergens are all over the place, as they can gather on furniture as well as other surfaces. In fact, pet allergens can be found in places that have never housed pets because people can carry them on their clothes. 

Additionally, pet allergens can get into the air whenever the animal is petted or groomed, and it can be stirred up where the allergens originally settled, either through dusting, vacuuming, or other household chores. Once airborne, the particles can stay in the air or settle on walls for long periods of time.

What Are Some Examples of Pet Allergy Symptoms?

Cat and dog allergens can land on membranes lining the eyes and nose, causing swelling and itching of the membranes, stuffy nose, and inflamed eyes. A pet scratch or lick can also irritate the skin area, and itchy eyes can occur after petting an animal and touching your eyes as well.

As a matter of fact, contact with a cat may trigger an asthma attack for at least three in ten people with asthma, and it can also result in chronic asthma.

Many airborne particles are microscopic enough to access the lungs. For some, this exposure can lead to breathing issues. Highly sensitive people can start to cough, wheeze, and experience shortness of breath within 15 to 30 minutes of inhaling allergens. Sometimes people also get a severe rash on the face, neck, and upper chest.

How is a Pet Allergy Diagnosed?

Your sinus doctor will diagnose a pet allergy based on your symptoms, your medical history, a physical examination, and/or a blood or skin test. The results of the allergy testing will display if there’s allergic sensitivity to the animal.

The doctor may tell you to stay out of the home where the pet lives to see if your symptoms stop. It doesn’t help to remove the dog or cat because the allergen will stay in your home, so much so, in fact, that pet allergens in the home can trigger symptoms months after the animal is gone.

How to Live with Your Pet Despite Allergens

Keeping your pet outside will help but won’t take out the allergens inside your home. Another alternative is to pick pets without fur or feathers like fish, snakes, or turtles.

While finding a new home for a pet and a thorough house cleaning is the best option to eliminate pet allergies, most animal lovers prefer to keep their little fur babies. Here are few things you can do to lessen exposure: 

  1. Keep your pet away from the bedroom, and clean the area frequently. A HEPA air cleaner may also help.
  2. Remove your pet’s favorite furniture, remove wall-to-wall carpet, and scrub the walls and woodwork. Keep surfaces in the home clean, including bare floors and walls.
  3. If you have carpet, get one with a low pile and steam clean it often, or use throw rugs and wash them in hot water.
  4. Vacuum cleaners bring out allergens that have settled on carpet and worsen allergies. Use a vacuum with a certified asthma & allergy friendly filter if possible.
  5. Change your clothes following prolonged exposure with your pet.
  6. Forced-air heating and air-conditioning can spread allergens throughout your home. Cover bedroom vents with filtering material such as cheesecloth.
  7. Use an air cleaner at least four hours each day. Another kind of air cleaner with an electrostatic filter will eliminate particles the size of animal allergens from the air. Note that no air cleaner or filter will remove allergens stuck to surfaces.
  8. Wash your pet every week to minimize airborne allergens. However, it may not reduce your symptoms.
  9. Have someone without a pet allergy brush the pet outside to eliminate dander, and don’t forget to ask if they could clean the litter box or cage.
  10. Consult your McAllen ENT about medicine or immunotherapy options.

Discover Options for Relief When You See the Glatz Group of Valley ENT

Since COVID-19 remains a major health crisis, the safety and well-being of our staff and patients will continue to be our top priority. We can address your pet-related allergy symptoms online with our telemedicine services or through a phone call. 

If you’re in need of an immediate procedure done in our office, that may also be scheduled upon request.


Hurricane season can be unforgiving, as we most recently experienced here in the Rio Grande Valley with Hurricane Hanna.

The destruction hurricanes leave behind can take years to rebuild. The toll on an individual’s well-being and overall health can be just as serious, especially if they suffer from allergies or asthma.

As if COVID-19 concerns aren’t worrisome enough, allergy season is worse than ever this year, and hurricane season isn’t going to make it any better. If anything, it can worsen those symptoms. 

Today, your certified McAllen physician assistant, Jonathan Lerma, and his dependable team of sinus relief specialists at the Glatz Group of Valley ENT will help provide you with a better understanding of how hurricane season can worsen your allergies or asthma. 

Severe Weather Patterns Can Amplify Allergies and Asthma Symptoms

Weather patterns affect environmental allergies.

Hurricanes can make allergy and asthma symptoms worse due to the fact that pollen and mold spores spread into the air after intense weather conditions. The high winds spread those wet mold spores into the air and a lack of air circulation because of lost power allows more allergens to enter your home.

Following a severe storm, debris from trees and plants also become covered with mold and other triggers that can intensify allergic and asthmatic symptoms. Allergic reactions to mold include nasal congestion, coughing, and sneezing. Asthmatics can experience wheezing, tightness in the chest, coughing, and difficulty breathing.

Allergy season generally peaks once the leaves start to fall in October and November, but the damage caused by hurricanes results in many trees on the ground and a multitude of mold from standing water.

Post-Hurricane Cleanup Can Significantly Impact Your Health

The cleanup process should begin as soon as you're possibly able to. This can’t take place without proper preparation for those with pre-existing conditions, such as asthma, and those with weak immune systems.

When the floodwater recedes and cleanup starts, respiratory ailments rise as a result of mold. 

How to Clean Up Safely & Effectively

You should always take precautions when cleaning up after a hurricane since it comes with several risks. Mold can begin to grow shortly after flooding and can quickly take over a home. 

Try taking the following precautions when you being the cleaning process:

How to Manage Your Allergy or Asthma Symptoms Following a Hurricane

Your Allergy or Asthma Concerns Can Be Taken Care of by the Glatz Group of Valley ENT

We hope that the advice we shared can help to prepare you for what may come with hurricane season and your allergies. 

Since COVID-19 is an unresolved health crisis, we continue to look after the safety and well-being of our beloved staff and patients. If you would like to have your symptoms addressed without coming to the office, it can be conducted online with our telemedicine services.

Appointments are also a phone call away. 

If you are in need of an in-office procedure, we can set that up accordingly.


Schedule Your Appointment Now!

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The acting world suffered a great tragedy recently when one of its younger actress, Laurel Griggs, passed away due to complications stemming from a massive asthma attack. She had been fighting asthma for two years when an attack sent her to the hospital where she later passed away.

The 13-year-old had committed herself to her craft, wowing audiences with her performances on Broadway, expanding her career to TV and film, and even showcasing her talents on Saturday Night Live. Her bright career was only coming into fruition when her asthma attack happened, now leaving behind devastated family members, friends, and fans of her work.

As parents here at the allergy department of the Glatz Group, our hearts go out to the Griggs family for their loss. Today, we want to take the time to honor Laurel’s memory by using our platform to bring awareness of this disease. Asthma is a prevalent and dangerous disease that sends over 2 million people to emergency rooms across America every year. Your McAllen ENT Doctor, Dr. Frank R. Glatz, and his allergy team have extensive knowledge of how asthma begins, how it can affect you, and how we can help you.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a long-term respiratory disease that affects over 25 million Americans every year. Sometimes called a chronic respiratory disease by doctors or “bronchial asthma” by others, this disease causes your airway to become narrow due to a trigger of some sort, impairing a person’s ability to breathe efficiently.

When it occurs, it can cause a bevy of symptoms, include:

However, more severe cases of an asthma attack can cause symptoms such as:

Sometimes severe asthma can also worsen despite using medication. Overall, depending on how bad the symptoms are, asthma is ranked by medical professionals into four degrees of severity:

  1. Mild Intermittent Asthma - Sufferers experience mild symptoms less than twice a week, nighttime symptoms less than twice a month, and may experience few asthma attacks.
  2. Mild Persistent Asthma - In this degree of severity, sufferers experience mild symptoms between three to six times a week, nighttime symptoms three to four times a month, and have asthma that interferes with certain activities.
  3. Moderate Persistent Asthma - The same information for mild persistent asthma is also shared with this particular degree of severity yet with many of the symptoms suffered on the higher end of the spectrum.
  4. Severe Persistent Asthma - Frequent asthma symptoms that occur day and night, and you are limited to do only certain activities/tasks because of their frequency and intensity.

In any case, immediate emergency medical services are required when enduring severe symptoms; however, you should visit our experienced allergy team over at the Glatz Group right away if you begin feeling any of the mild signs and symptoms first to determine if what is causing your asthma is allergy-related and what can be done to help treat it.

What is an Asthma Attack, and What Triggers It?

When asthma symptoms worsen, an asthma attack may occur. Many different scenarios exist that can trigger symptoms that ultimately turn into an asthma attack, such as:

  1. Adult-Onset Asthma - Sometimes things that didn’t uncover the individual’s asthma earlier in life do now as an adult. Whether it be an allergy or a virus, asthma can happen in adults as well.
  2. Allergic Asthma - Allergens like pollen, dust, or pet dander can, in some cases, cause asthma in some individuals. That is to say, however, that not all people who have allergies are asthmatic and vice versa.
  3. Asthma-COPD Overlap - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a combination of various lung diseases that affect breathing, and when an individual has both asthma and COPD, this overlap can occur.
  4. Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) - Asthma symptoms can be triggered in an individual when exercising.
  5. Nonallergic Asthma - Anything from environmental climate to sickness may trigger nonallergic asthma.
  6. Occupational Asthma - Airborne irritants at work like dust or chemical fumes can lead to an individual having an asthma attack.

When any of the above triggers asthmatic symptoms in individuals susceptible to them, an asthma attack may happen. During an attack, the airways within your throat are inflamed and begin to swell, also known as a bronchospasm. During the bronchospasm, a thick mucus is produced that further inhibits breathing, turning a frightening situation into a dire one.

If you have asthma and are enduring a severe asthma attack, get medical help immediately. If severe asthma attacks are left untreated, they can ultimately lead to respiratory failure, and then death.

How Our Allergy Team Can Help You

In a recent article published by NBC News, it was discovered that McAllen, Texas is actually the worst city for living with springtime allergies. For all of us living in McAllen and the Rio Grande Valley, this article shows us that there is a need to visit a devoted allergy team to help give you sinus and allergy relief.

Since we here at Glatz Group specialize both in allergies and in airways, seeing us if you are concerned about your asthma symptoms is always a good idea. Here, we can help you develop a plan that can guide your efforts at managing your condition.

From there, we can discuss:

  1. Identifying if your symptoms are worsening.
  2. What you should do in case of an emergency.
  3. How to manage your asthmatic triggers.
  4. Medicine recommendations.
  5. Exchanging contact information with our allergy team.

At the Glatz Group, we are a robust, dedicated team of medical professionals that want to ensure that your ear, nose, and throat health is at optimal shape. Should you begin to experience problematic asthma symptoms, Dr. Frank R. Glatz can help you find the relief you need.

Contact us at (956) 631-2957 to schedule an asthma consultation today.

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Protect Your Sinuses!

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Saturday - Sunday: CLOSED

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(956) 331-8928

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