Among the most common causes of tinnitus are ear infections or blockages, head and neck injuries, hearing loss, and certain medications. However, this condition can also be caused by a range of medical conditions, such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders and Meniere’s disease.
The permanence of your tinnitus symptoms will depend on their cause. If your tinnitus is caused by a medical condition or hearing loss, there may be no cure for your condition. However, if your tinnitus is caused by infection or blockages, getting those issues treated can provide relief. To determine whether or not your tinnitus is reversible, you should consult with a specialist.
There are methods for finding relief from tinnitus symptoms without medical intervention. In particular, these treatments focus on using other noises to distract from and drown out the tinnitus ringing or buzzing, or using behavioral techniques to reduce your focus on these symptoms.
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