November 11, 2019

How Balloon Sinuplasty Compares To Traditional Nasal Surgery

About 30 million Americans suffer from what is known as “Sinusitis” on a yearly basis. Sinusitis occurs when your nasal pathways become inflamed and/or swollen due to the exposure to allergens, bacteria, or viruses.

Some of the symptoms of chronic sinusitis include anywhere from not being able to breathe nor smell through your nose, irritation within your throat causing teeth pain, and bad breath, having abnormal mucus spreading around to even experiencing physical pain throughout your entire face. 

Today, with a little guidance from our Pharr sinus doctor, Dr. Frank R. Glatz of the Glatz Group, we’re taking a look into what leads to chronic sinusitis and why you should consider the procedure known as balloon sinuplasty instead of other nasal surgeries. 

What Causes Chronic Sinusitis?

A person’s sinuses are an intricate ecosystem; however, when allergens, foreign bacteria, or viruses are introduced, it can cause the inner linings of the sinuses to become inflamed. The resulting congestion can prevent mucus from flushing it out of the sinus cavities, trapping unwanted bacteria in your sinuses where they can grow and cause severe infections and chronic pain.

In fact, there are many causes that lead to developing chronic sinusitis. Some of the most notable ones include:

  • Allergies/Hay Fever - Certain things in the air, such as pollen or unwanted chemicals, can make their way into your sinuses that can cause the nasal pathways to be inflamed.
  • Nasal Polyps - Abnormal, non-cancerous tissue growth within the nostrils can block your pathways, making it difficult to breathe.
  • Deviated Nasal Septum - A crooked, uneven wall between the nostrils is known as a deviated septum. It can affect pathways in a severe manner that worsens a current case of sinusitis.
  • Respiratory Tract Infections - Malicious infections within the nose, lungs, and windpipe can affect your mucus drainage and cause troubling inflammation for your nasal membranes. 
  • Other diseases such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, and even HIV can play a factor when it comes to developing chronic sinusitis. These diseases can cause irritation within the nasal pathways leading to mucus blockage over time.

How Balloon Sinuplasty Works

Perhaps the most efficient way to treat severe chronic sinusitis cases would be to undergo a procedure known as balloon sinuplasty.

Balloon sinuplasty is a quick, safe procedure that is designed to reshape the blocked sinus passageways via a small balloon in order to open up the sinus cavities without having to remove any bone or tissue.

An ENT doctor utilizes a tube-like device that inflates a small balloon inside the nasal openings of one, a few, or all sinus cavities, slightly altering them in order to open up and ultimately improve drainage function. 

While it is not designed to completely fix all of your sinus issues forever, it will provide the most long-term relief in comparison to traditional nasal surgeries.

Alternative Nasal Procedures 

When it comes to specific sinus problems, there are three other main traditional nasal procedures that can be done in specific cases.

  •  Maxillary Antrosomy is a specific procedure that focuses on the sinuses that are located within the back of the cheekbones. These are known as the maxillary sinuses. The purpose of the procedure is to drain out those sinuses.
  • Turbiniplasty Surgery is performed when the size of your turbinates are needed to be reduced if they are getting in the way with your breathing and mucus drainage.
  • Ethmoidectomy is a procedure that is designed to treat the ethmoid sinuses that are located behind the eyes and bridge of the nose. Removes tissue and bone that is causing the blockage.

Why Balloon Sinuplasty is Better for You

While every procedure includes its fair share of risks, balloon sinuplasty can be the most efficient and safest procedure in comparison to other nasal surgeries listed above. For traditional nasal procedures:

  • Takes multiple days/weeks to fully recover
  • Possible risk of infections
  • Frequent nosebleeds
  • Frequent medication needed to be taken for extended periods 
  • Nausea/vomiting 
  • Removal of bone/tissue
  • May be necessary to repeat over time

And in the more severe cases:

  • Possible loss of smell (Ethmoidectomy)
  • Cerebrospinal fluid leak (Ethmoidectomy)
  • Eye Damage (Maxillary Antrosomy)
  • Possible nose deformation (Turbiniplasty Surgery)

Balloon sinuplasty, on the other hand, is better in comparison because:

  • Recovery time usually 1-2 days
  • Relatively painless
  • No bone nor tissue needed to be removed
  • Able to resume daily activities within a few days.
  • Lower risks of bleeding episodes
  • Lower needs for excessive post-procedure medication

It is worth noting that not everyone might be able to qualify for balloon sinuplasty treatment. Speak with our sinus relief specialists to see if balloon sinuplasty will help you.

Set up a Consultation with the Glatz Group Today

In order to determine if balloon sinuplasty would be the best option to treat your chronic sinusitis or other nasal conditions, schedule an appointment with the Pharr sinus doctor of the Glatz Group. Once you arrive at your scheduled appointment, our sinus relief specialists will examine your current symptoms and run the necessary tests.

If eligible, balloon sinuplasty can be safely administered by our ENT doctors and staff right in our office.


To see if you are an eligible candidate, contact us today at (956) 631-2957 You’ll be Glatz you did!



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Dr. Glatz is committed to patient care and positive results. He will remain committed to solving your sinus issues. Specific guarantees depend on your insurance carrier.

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