December 20, 2021

My Ear Pressure Won’t Go Away: Should I See a Doctor?

You may have tried countless at-home treatments or just waited out the symptoms, but when bothersome ear pressure won’t go away, it can really dampen your mood.  But knowing when to visit the doctor and when to keep treating it at home can be just as difficult to determine. Luckily, there are many signs and symptoms you can look for that should signal a trip to your sinus doctor. Learn when you should see your McAllen sinus doctor for relief from your ear pressure.

What Serious Conditions Can Cause Ear Pressure Buildup?

Although ear pressure buildup is a common issue with many causes, there can be serious conditions that are causing this issue. If you’re suffering from a serious condition, your doctor can work to treat the issue and alleviate the pressure in your ear.  Some serious conditions that can cause ear pressure buildup include:

  • Meniere’s Disease — This disease causes fluid to build up in the inner ear.
  • Cholesteatoma — This is a growth or cyst that is trapped behind your eardrum or the bone behind your ear.
  • Acoustic Neuroma — This is a benign, slow-growing tumor that grows in the inner ear.
  • Temporomandibular Joint Damage — The temporomandibular joint connects the side of your skull to your lower jaw. Damage to this joint can cause ear pressure buildup.

These conditions can all cause pressure in your ears. If you’re dealing with serious pain or symptoms that have not gone away, it may be time to see your ENT doctor to find out if a serious condition is causing your ear pressure buildup.

When Should I See a Doctor for My Ear Pressure?

After you realize that you’re suffering from ear pressure, it can be difficult to know when to see a doctor. You may have tried at-home remedies with no luck or waited out the pain with no relief.  In most cases, you should see a sinus doctor for your ear pressure if you’re dealing with any of the following symptoms:

  • Persistent pain
  • No improvement in your symptoms after at-home treatments
  • Hearing loss
  • Facial weakness
  • Bleeding from your ear
  • Dizziness
  • An inability to “pop” your ears
  • A foreign object is stuck in your ear that you’re unable to remove

For many, it can be easier to wait out the symptoms and see if they eventually fade away. However, if left untreated, the symptoms may only get worse, along with your ear pressure. 

What to Do In Case of Emergency

It’s important that you head to the emergency room for immediate care if you’re suffering from ear pain along with the following symptoms:

  • A stiff neck
  • Severe drowsiness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • High fever
  • Recent head trauma or blow to the ear

When your body is dealing with a great amount of sickness or pain, it can react in certain ways to notify you that something is wrong. These symptoms could signal a more serious condition or complication, and should be treated immediately.

Find Ear Pressure Relief With Glatz Group

Pressure in your ears and head shouldn’t be something you have to put up with. There are many forms of treatment that your McAllen sinus doctor can use to get you relief.

Get the ear pressure relief you need when you schedule a consultation with your McAllen sinus doctor at Glatz Group of Valley ENT!




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Dr. Glatz is committed to patient care and positive results. He will remain committed to solving your sinus issues. Specific guarantees depend on your insurance carrier.

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