In some cases, bone spurs or nasal polyps may not call for any medical intervention, with sufferers able to live life relatively normally despite their condition. For those facing inconvenient symptoms, treatments include medications, corticosteroid injections, decongestants, and surgery in some severe cases.
While the cause is not definitively known, it’s believed that nasal polyps are caused by long-term inflammation of the nose caused by things like allergies and asthma. Bone spurs, on the other hand, are either present at birth, caused by an injury, or developed with age.
As we’ve said, some cases of these conditions will not require any medical treatment. With that in mind, how can you tell whether or not you need a specialist if you think you have one of these issues? It’s simple: you should see an ENT for care if your sinus symptoms are interfering with your ability to live and enjoy life, or if your symptoms have lasted longer than ten days. You don’t have to live your life with nasal congestion. Glatz Group can help.
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