Winter weather in Texas isn’t as cold as in many of the northern states, but you may wonder if the cooler temperatures can improve your seasonal allergies. Since the sticky hot summer air has finally cooled off, you may hope that you’ll finally find some allergy relief.
Unfortunately, cold weather isn’t always a friend to your ears, nose, and throat. Keep reading to learn how a temperature change can trigger your allergies, and how you can get help from your Edinburg ENT doctor to fight off those pesky allergies!
When the outside temperature drops, the change can be hard on your lungs and lead to allergic reactions, including worsening congestion, runny nose, wheezing, and coughing fits.
But staying indoors all the time won’t help your allergies, either. Since it’s cooler outside, many people stay inside more often in the winter. You’re most likely keeping the windows closed and maybe turning the heat up a little higher. This creates a space with less fresh air and more dry heat. Staying indoors all the time in the winter can also make allergies to dust and pet dander worse.
Sometimes Texas winter days are really dry, which isn't the best for allergy sufferers. The cold, dry air can suck the moisture out of your nasal passages, lips, and skin, making it easier for allergens to settle into your lungs.
On the other hand, too much moisture in the air also isn’t good. If the Texas winter weather is too wet, it can encourage mold and dust mites to grow. The air moisture levels have to be just right to keep your allergies from reacting. However, that’s not always something we can control.
Being allergic to the cold is a real thing, and it’s called cold urticaria! The more common form causes itchy hives, swelling, and redness on the skin after exposure to cold temperatures. However, it needs to be under 39 degrees Fahrenheit for an allergic reaction to happen. Reactions usually pop up within a few minutes after warming the skin and only last a couple of hours.
Texas is great if you want to avoid having to deal with cold northern winters! However, you may not be able to completely escape your allergies just because the air is a bit warmer. But the Glatz Group has your back! There are a few things you can do to get winter allergy relief:
Knowing exactly what you’re allergic to can help you understand how you can protect your ears, nose, and throat. If you’re allergic to dust mites or pet dander, then you’ll know you need to dust often or bathe your furry friends more.
Reach out to our compassionate and experienced team at the Glatz Group to find out how you can fight off your allergy foes and still enjoy the cooler Texas weather!