While ear infections are most common in young children, adults can also be affected. Ear infections (sometimes called acute otitis media) occur behind the eardrum when bacteria or a virus infects and traps fluid. This leads to pressure in the head and ears, and other sinus problems. 

In many cases, ear infections tend to clear up on their own. However, there are different types of ear infections and factors that can impact their severity. That’s why sometimes it’s recommended to consult a sinus doctor. 

Different Types of Infections and Their Symptoms 

There are three main types of ear infections that correlate to the three different main parts of the ear: inner, middle, and outer. 

1. Inner Ear Infection 

Often, a diagnosis of an inner ear infection may actually just be inflammation instead of an infection. Common symptoms of an inner ear infection include: 

Also, in more rare cases, an inner ear infection may indicate meningitis. 

2. Middle Ear Infection

The middle ear is located right behind your eardrum and a middle ear infection is caused by fluid being trapped. This leads to the eardrum bulging. In addition to an ear ache, common symptoms you may experience from a middle ear infection include:

3 Outer Ear Infection

An outer ear infection is often referred to as “swimmer’s ear.” The reason is that it is usually caused by water that gets in the ear while swimming or bathing. The moisture becomes the perfect environment for bacteria to grow and develop, leading to an infection. 

Another way an outer ear infection may occur is if your ear is scratched or if you put your fingers or objects inside your ear. 

Who Is at Most Risk To Get an Ear Infection? 

Other than getting a cold, an ear infection is the most common illness in children and occurs the most between the ages of three months and three years. However, adults can receive ear infections as well. 

Common risk factors for ear infections include:

Treating an Ear Infection 

Proper hygiene and care are instrumental in preventing and treating sinus pressure. Having a routine that involves properly removing ear wax is very crucial. However, sometimes it’s necessary to consult a sinus doctor if an ear infection grows in severity.

Learn more about how to treat an ear infection with the help of our sinus doctors from Glatz You Did! 

Our team at Glatz You Did is dedicated to ensuring you get the right treatment. Whether you have a minor ear infection or are in need of more specialized care such as a balloon sinuplasty, you can contact us for the care you need. 

Our years of experience coupled with our passion for helping our clients make us a great place to turn to when you or a loved one are dealing with an ear infection. 

To book an appointment and to talk to one of our team members, reach out to us today! Regain your comfort when you visit The Glatz Group of Valley ENT!


Ear pressure can feel like one or both of your ears are clogged up. Most people don’t pay much attention to their ears or sinuses until something goes wrong. Once ear pressure begins to bother you, it can quickly become uncomfortable and make daily activities difficult.

Thankfully, there are ways that you can relieve your ear pressure at home and the doctor’s office. Learn how to relieve your ear pressure from your McAllen sinus specialists.

Why Does Ear Pressure Build Up?

The pressure in your ear can build up when the eustachian tube is blocked or stops functioning as it should. Several conditions can cause ear pressure buildup and result in additional symptoms.

If left untreated, your ear pressure can continue to build up and cause further damage.

At-Home Treatments for Ear Pressure

Ear pressure can have many causes and these causes often determine what treatment should be used. If the cause of your ear pressure is easy to identify, you may be able to treat it at home.

Some at-home treatment options include:

Sinus-Related Conditions

If your ear pressure is due to sinus-related conditions, such as sinus congestion, allergies, the common cold, flu, or irritants (e.g. tobacco smoke), some treatment options you can try at home include:

Fluid Buildup

Fluid buildup can be another cause of ear pressure. Oftentimes, removing the fluid can also alleviate the pressure in your ear. Some ways to remove fluid buildup include:

Earwax buildup

Another big culprit of ear pressure is wax buildup in the ear. Although normal chewing motions can usually move the earwax out of the ear, there are times where it can still build up or get pressed further into the ear.

To get rid of earwax buildup, try:

If you believe that your ear pressure is due to one of these common causes, you may find relief with at-home treatments. Contact your doctor if you’re not finding any relief or your symptoms get worse.

Treating Ear Pressure at the Doctor’s Office

If you’ve tried multiple at-home treatments with no sign of relief, it may be time to see your doctor for further treatment. There are a few procedures that your doctor can do to relieve the pressure in your ear, including:


For this procedure, your doctor will make a small incision in the eardrum. Your doctor will then remove any fluid that has built up in the middle ear. Once the fluid is carefully removed, the incision may remain open until the eustachian tube is no longer blocked or swollen.

Ear Tubes

To place ear tubes, your doctor will make a small incision similar to a myringotomy. They will first drain the fluid, then place a small metal or plastic tube into the eardrum. The purpose of this tube is to relieve pressure and prevent any additional fluid buildup.

You Can Trust Dr. Glatz to Help You Find Sinus Relief!

If you’re dealing with ear pressure that won’t go away, your trusted McAllen sinus specialist at Glatz Group can help you find sinus relief! Once we have figured out the cause of your ear pressure, we can then find the best treatment option for you.

To get relief from your ear pressure, schedule a consultation with your McAllen sinus doctor at Glatz Group of Valley ENT today.


As we stay at home following the guidelines of world health officials, we have to also remember to maintain healthy habits and hygiene. In a recent article published by Valley Central that interviewed our McAllen ENT, Dr. Frank Glatz spoke about a few tips that we can do to stay safe from contracting the virus.

Take Extra Caution of What You Touch

Health experts have warned the public to avoid touching their face by all means, as COVID-19 can be transmitted very easily. Dr. Glatz highly suggests that whenever you leave your home, you should be extra cautious and attentive to what exactly you are touching. 

Since it is suspected that the virus can be either airborne or passed on through microdroplets of mucus or saliva, should these substances land on objects you touch, you could get it on your hands. Then, something as simple as rubbing your face, rubbing your eye, or scratching your forehead could send the virus can into the eye, through the eye duct down into the nose, and eventually down into your throat.

Stay Protected and Stay Clean

At the beginning of this month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) made the announcement recommending all Americans to cover their mouths. If they do not own a mask, can’t purchase one due to the shortage, or if the store is out of stock, they must at least use any sort of scarf or cloth. 

This is a practice Dr. Glatz cannot stress enough for us in the Rio Grande Valley area. If you need to go out to get groceries, pick up some takeout, or pick up a prescription from your local pharmacy, refrain from touching your face. 

It is highly advised for everyone to wear gloves and masks as well when going out and about, even if doing so makes you feel uncomfortable from a social perspective. There is absolutely nothing strange when it comes down to protecting yourself and others.

And if you are wearing gloves, make sure you use them properly. Don’t touch items and then touch your face, as that can result in cross-contamination.

It is Always Wise to Sanitize

Many people may not have too many pairs of gloves to work with, but it is not necessary to have a cupboardful anyway. One thing Dr. Glatz highly recommends is to spray your gloves each time after use with isopropyl alcohol--or Everclear if in a pinch--from a spray bottle, as they’re effectively sterile. 

It is far more effective to spray the gloves than to spray your hands due to the fact that your hands have loads of nooks and crannies where bacteria can hide. On these protective gloves, however, there is nowhere for them to hide. Don’t forget to sanitize yourself along with your daily items like your car keys and debit/credit card. 

Remember that viruses may live on your daily items and surfaces for up to several hours to several days, depending on the surface. So it is always in your best interest to wipe them down as frequently as possible.

Protect Yourself From Coronavirus. Stay Up to Date With Our Latest COVID-19 and Allergy News and Tips by Visiting Our Facebook Page.

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Your ears, nose, and throat are all tightly connected, and if something is affecting any particular part of that region, everything suffers. Experiencing a painful episode of sinus congestion is no fun for anyone, and when sinus pressure causes pain, your ears can also be affected, causing dizziness and a sensation that makes your ears feel muffled or clogged. 

Fortunately, our McAllen ENT, Dr. Frank R. Glatz, and his team of sinus relief specialists at the Glatz Group know of several tips that you can do at home for relief. Should your ear congestion progress into pain or come with a fever, however, it is best to come and see us for treatment.

How Ear Pressure Occurs

When your Eustachian tube is blocked or stops functioning properly, it can trap fluids within the middle ear. When the Eustachian tube gets clogged, you may feel pressure in your ear, muffling your hearing and causing ear pain. Eventually, this could turn into a painful ear infection.

Any condition that affects your sinuses can cause ear congestion, including:

Ear congestion symptoms can also be caused by other issues in your middle ear or the ear canal that affects the eardrum--also referred to as the tympanic membrane. If you have experienced symptoms and need relief, visit our office today.

How Can I Relieve My Symptoms?

There are different appropriate remedies depending on what the cause is. When it has to do with sinus-related problems like the common cold, flu, allergies, sinusitis, or irritants (e.g. tobacco smoke), here are a few things you can do to treat it:

With regards to fluid buildup, an afternoon of fun and sun at the pool or a quick shower can get water inside your ear, causing your ear to be congested. Try these methods to release the water from your ear:

From an overall perspective, the ear is quite a fascinating part of our body. Glands within the ear canal produce earwax, called cerumen, that ultimately protects, lubricates, and self-cleans the area. Normally, chewing and other typical jaw motions shift the earwax out of the ear, where it dries and flakes off, but sometimes, when we try to clean out the earwax by sticking a q tip in our ear, it can create a blockage, causing symptoms of ear congestion. Some simple solutions to get rid of wax buildup from your ears would include:

As for when you are traveling, you can avoid or alleviate airplane ear congestion (caused by air pressure) by chewing gum or hard candy, swallowing, or yawning during takeoff and landing.

If you think there may be a foreign object stuck in your ear canal, however, don’t try to take it out by yourself. Either see your ENT doctor in McAllen immediately or go to urgent care somewhere nearby. 

An ENT You’ll be ‘Glatz’ to See

Ear congestion is not uncommon and can often be efficiently resolved at home with the help of home remedies or over-the-counter treatments.

Should your ear congestion last more than two weeks or be followed by a fever, fluid drainage, loss of hearing, balance issues, or severe ear pain, come pay a visit to your local McAllen ENT that we can guarantee you’ll be ‘Glatz’ to see--and hear once your problem is resolved.

For more helpful tips like these or to treat you or your loved one’s ear congestion in our office, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr. Frank R. Glatz today by contacting us at (956) 631-2957. You’ll be Glatz you did! 


If you’ve been suffering from a constant runny nose, nasal congestion, and drainage running down your throat, then you may have a condition known as chronic rhinitis--a condition caused by nerves that are out of balance and sending too many signals to your nose.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 12 million Americans suffer from allergic rhinitis, which is the inflammation of the nasal mucosa that could be causing your unwanted symptoms. The solution, however, is crystal clear. It is ClariFix. 

Today, your friendly neighborhood McAllen ENT, Dr. Frank R. Glatz, and his sinus relief team at the Glatz Group are looking forward to exploring what this innovative treatment is with you, including how it works and how it is beneficial to your breathing.

1. What is ClariFix, and How Does it Work?

This clinically-proven, minimally invasive cryotherapy treatment--i.e. localized freezing--goes after the source of your symptoms for guaranteed relief through the use of a cooling probe that freezes a small, inflamed region located in the back of your nose. 

As the cold temperature reaches the out-of-balance nerves, the nerve signal pathways become temporarily blocked, making them unable to signal the nose to drip, run, or swell excessively. Freezing this tissue will relieve the inflammation and pain as a result. 

This is a promising option for those who suffer through year-round allergies and found traditional treatments like allergy medications and allergy shots, or immunotherapy, to be unsuccessful. 

2. The Benefits of ClariFix

Not only is the procedure safe and cleared by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but it can also be performed right in our very own office. The discomfort is kept to a minimum where only topical or local anesthesia is required.

You might sense a slight pressure along with a cooling sensation in your nose and likely around your molars. It may cause some discomfort, but patients haven’t described it as a painful experience.

Its recovery and down time is also fairly minimal, and may give you long-lasting relief as it typically does for 4 out of 5 patients, according to ClariFix’s website. It generally takes between two to six weeks post-treatment to notice the changes. 

It is worth noting that ClariFix is mainly for symptom management. Allergies come from your immune system, and the treatment doesn’t change the way your immune system functions. It will not make your allergies, or a simple cold, go away for good. 

3. Is ClariFix Right For You?

To find out if the ClariFix is right for you, don’t hesitate to speak with our McAllen sinus relief specialists here at the Glatz Group to see if it can alleviate your symptoms. 

The treatment is not recommended for those who have specific health conditions like cryoglobulinemia, paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, cold urticaria, Raynaud’s disease, and any open and/or infected wounds, as well as other skin conditions at or close to the tissue area that the procedure targets. 

If you or a loved one also happen to have diabetes, sensitivity to cold temperatures, neuropathic disorders, bleeding disorders, or impaired peripheral circulation in the region that requires treatment, it is well-advised that you proceed with utmost caution.

To see if you are eligible for the cool treatment with ClariFix Cryotherapy, schedule a consultation with Dr. Frank R Glatz today!


Contact us at (956) 631-2957 to schedule a consultation for more information regarding ClariFix or any other allergy relief options today. You’ll be Glatz you did!

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The acting world suffered a great tragedy recently when one of its younger actress, Laurel Griggs, passed away due to complications stemming from a massive asthma attack. She had been fighting asthma for two years when an attack sent her to the hospital where she later passed away.

The 13-year-old had committed herself to her craft, wowing audiences with her performances on Broadway, expanding her career to TV and film, and even showcasing her talents on Saturday Night Live. Her bright career was only coming into fruition when her asthma attack happened, now leaving behind devastated family members, friends, and fans of her work.

As parents here at the allergy department of the Glatz Group, our hearts go out to the Griggs family for their loss. Today, we want to take the time to honor Laurel’s memory by using our platform to bring awareness of this disease. Asthma is a prevalent and dangerous disease that sends over 2 million people to emergency rooms across America every year. Your McAllen ENT Doctor, Dr. Frank R. Glatz, and his allergy team have extensive knowledge of how asthma begins, how it can affect you, and how we can help you.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a long-term respiratory disease that affects over 25 million Americans every year. Sometimes called a chronic respiratory disease by doctors or “bronchial asthma” by others, this disease causes your airway to become narrow due to a trigger of some sort, impairing a person’s ability to breathe efficiently.

When it occurs, it can cause a bevy of symptoms, include:

However, more severe cases of an asthma attack can cause symptoms such as:

Sometimes severe asthma can also worsen despite using medication. Overall, depending on how bad the symptoms are, asthma is ranked by medical professionals into four degrees of severity:

  1. Mild Intermittent Asthma - Sufferers experience mild symptoms less than twice a week, nighttime symptoms less than twice a month, and may experience few asthma attacks.
  2. Mild Persistent Asthma - In this degree of severity, sufferers experience mild symptoms between three to six times a week, nighttime symptoms three to four times a month, and have asthma that interferes with certain activities.
  3. Moderate Persistent Asthma - The same information for mild persistent asthma is also shared with this particular degree of severity yet with many of the symptoms suffered on the higher end of the spectrum.
  4. Severe Persistent Asthma - Frequent asthma symptoms that occur day and night, and you are limited to do only certain activities/tasks because of their frequency and intensity.

In any case, immediate emergency medical services are required when enduring severe symptoms; however, you should visit our experienced allergy team over at the Glatz Group right away if you begin feeling any of the mild signs and symptoms first to determine if what is causing your asthma is allergy-related and what can be done to help treat it.

What is an Asthma Attack, and What Triggers It?

When asthma symptoms worsen, an asthma attack may occur. Many different scenarios exist that can trigger symptoms that ultimately turn into an asthma attack, such as:

  1. Adult-Onset Asthma - Sometimes things that didn’t uncover the individual’s asthma earlier in life do now as an adult. Whether it be an allergy or a virus, asthma can happen in adults as well.
  2. Allergic Asthma - Allergens like pollen, dust, or pet dander can, in some cases, cause asthma in some individuals. That is to say, however, that not all people who have allergies are asthmatic and vice versa.
  3. Asthma-COPD Overlap - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a combination of various lung diseases that affect breathing, and when an individual has both asthma and COPD, this overlap can occur.
  4. Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) - Asthma symptoms can be triggered in an individual when exercising.
  5. Nonallergic Asthma - Anything from environmental climate to sickness may trigger nonallergic asthma.
  6. Occupational Asthma - Airborne irritants at work like dust or chemical fumes can lead to an individual having an asthma attack.

When any of the above triggers asthmatic symptoms in individuals susceptible to them, an asthma attack may happen. During an attack, the airways within your throat are inflamed and begin to swell, also known as a bronchospasm. During the bronchospasm, a thick mucus is produced that further inhibits breathing, turning a frightening situation into a dire one.

If you have asthma and are enduring a severe asthma attack, get medical help immediately. If severe asthma attacks are left untreated, they can ultimately lead to respiratory failure, and then death.

How Our Allergy Team Can Help You

In a recent article published by NBC News, it was discovered that McAllen, Texas is actually the worst city for living with springtime allergies. For all of us living in McAllen and the Rio Grande Valley, this article shows us that there is a need to visit a devoted allergy team to help give you sinus and allergy relief.

Since we here at Glatz Group specialize both in allergies and in airways, seeing us if you are concerned about your asthma symptoms is always a good idea. Here, we can help you develop a plan that can guide your efforts at managing your condition.

From there, we can discuss:

  1. Identifying if your symptoms are worsening.
  2. What you should do in case of an emergency.
  3. How to manage your asthmatic triggers.
  4. Medicine recommendations.
  5. Exchanging contact information with our allergy team.

At the Glatz Group, we are a robust, dedicated team of medical professionals that want to ensure that your ear, nose, and throat health is at optimal shape. Should you begin to experience problematic asthma symptoms, Dr. Frank R. Glatz can help you find the relief you need.

Contact us at (956) 631-2957 to schedule an asthma consultation today.

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Protect Your Sinuses!

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About 30 million Americans suffer from what is known as “Sinusitis” on a yearly basis. Sinusitis occurs when your nasal pathways become inflamed and/or swollen due to the exposure to allergens, bacteria, or viruses.

Some of the symptoms of chronic sinusitis include anywhere from not being able to breathe nor smell through your nose, irritation within your throat causing teeth pain, and bad breath, having abnormal mucus spreading around to even experiencing physical pain throughout your entire face. 

Today, with a little guidance from our Pharr sinus doctor, Dr. Frank R. Glatz of the Glatz Group, we’re taking a look into what leads to chronic sinusitis and why you should consider the procedure known as balloon sinuplasty instead of other nasal surgeries. 

What Causes Chronic Sinusitis?

A person’s sinuses are an intricate ecosystem; however, when allergens, foreign bacteria, or viruses are introduced, it can cause the inner linings of the sinuses to become inflamed. The resulting congestion can prevent mucus from flushing it out of the sinus cavities, trapping unwanted bacteria in your sinuses where they can grow and cause severe infections and chronic pain.

In fact, there are many causes that lead to developing chronic sinusitis. Some of the most notable ones include:

How Balloon Sinuplasty Works

Perhaps the most efficient way to treat severe chronic sinusitis cases would be to undergo a procedure known as balloon sinuplasty.

Balloon sinuplasty is a quick, safe procedure that is designed to reshape the blocked sinus passageways via a small balloon in order to open up the sinus cavities without having to remove any bone or tissue.

An ENT doctor utilizes a tube-like device that inflates a small balloon inside the nasal openings of one, a few, or all sinus cavities, slightly altering them in order to open up and ultimately improve drainage function. 

While it is not designed to completely fix all of your sinus issues forever, it will provide the most long-term relief in comparison to traditional nasal surgeries.

Alternative Nasal Procedures 

When it comes to specific sinus problems, there are three other main traditional nasal procedures that can be done in specific cases.

Why Balloon Sinuplasty is Better for You

While every procedure includes its fair share of risks, balloon sinuplasty can be the most efficient and safest procedure in comparison to other nasal surgeries listed above. For traditional nasal procedures:

And in the more severe cases:

Balloon sinuplasty, on the other hand, is better in comparison because:

It is worth noting that not everyone might be able to qualify for balloon sinuplasty treatment. Speak with our sinus relief specialists to see if balloon sinuplasty will help you.

Set up a Consultation with the Glatz Group Today

In order to determine if balloon sinuplasty would be the best option to treat your chronic sinusitis or other nasal conditions, schedule an appointment with the Pharr sinus doctor of the Glatz Group. Once you arrive at your scheduled appointment, our sinus relief specialists will examine your current symptoms and run the necessary tests.

If eligible, balloon sinuplasty can be safely administered by our ENT doctors and staff right in our office.


To see if you are an eligible candidate, contact us today at (956) 631-2957 You’ll be Glatz you did!

Having an abnormal, sharp pain in your ears may be a clear indicator that you are suffering from what is known as an earache. 

While earaches are very common in both children and adults and may make you feel uncomfortable, they can easily be treated with over-the-counter medication and subside within a couple of days. If untreated, however, you risk the chance of developing recurring symptoms and turn it into something worse.

Today, our Weslaco otolaryngologist, Dr. Frank R. Glatz of the Glatz Group, explores what may be causing your earaches and recommends what services are effective at curing this painful nuisance.

What are the Symptoms of an Earache?

Aside from some of the more obvious symptoms such as ear pain, both children and adults may suffer from some of the same symptoms that are involved with earaches, including, but not limited to:

In more severe cases, sufferers of earaches may feel:

If you have experienced any of the minor to major earache symptoms, reach out to the Glatz Group today to schedule an appointment.

 What Causes an Earache?

A bevy of circumstances exist that can cause an earache, but the most common include:

1. Excessive Earwax

Even though earwax is supposed to be your ear canal’s top defender, an excessive amount of it can cause you ear discomfort. If left untreated, the earwax can turn into a blockage, trapping bacteria in your ear that can cause an infection.

Although earwax blockages can be treated easily, an attempt to clean it out can go the wrong way. If you stick a cotton swab too far into the ear canal, it could possibly worsen the current condition and become extremely sensitive.

Looking into over-the-counter ear drops will reduce the severity of an earache caused by an overproduction of earwax and can, in time, help clean out the impacted areas in a natural way. 

2. Circumstantial Infections

Several different infections, sometimes even outside of the ears, can also play a role in causing earaches. These types of infections include:

This type of infection usually occurs when a cold, allergy, or a sinus infection blocks the eustachian tube within your middle ear. This can lead to negative pressure, causing pain and swelling.

3. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome is known as the discomfort or pain within the hinge of the jawbone next to your ears. This is commonly caused by ongoing teeth grinding or even from an existing arthritis condition.

It is treatable through over-the-counter medication or any other form of treatment that has prescribed by our Weslaco ENT doctor of the Glatz Group.

4. Air Pressure

While it is not as common as the previous causes per se, it may be a factor in certain instances.

During ascension--regardless of whether you are riding an elevator or traveling via airplane--your ears might not be used to the elevation and can begin to pop. This pop can feel unusual and can lead to irritation and slight hearing loss but after a few moments, your ear pressure should ease out and restore to normal.

If your ears don’t pop, however, it could cause fluid to build up within the ear, causing infection and earaches. In this worst-case scenario, that buildup of fluids can lead to a perforation of the eardrum, resulting in hearing loss.

See Our Weslaco ENT Doctor for Your Earache Today

If your earache symptoms last longer than a few days, do not hesitate to schedule an appointment with our Weslaco otolaryngologist, Dr. Frank R. Glatz, of the Glatz Group.

Our sinus relief specialists can properly assist you and examine your current symptoms in order to prescribe the right medication and treatments you need to take care of your or your child’s earaches.

Contact our Weslaco office at (956) 631-2957 to schedule your next consultation today. You’ll be Glatz you did!

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As the summer season has now fully transitioned into fall, a number of notable changes come along with it. 

With over 60 million reported Americans suffering from common allergy symptoms on a yearly basis, the fall season can bring in some of the harshest seasonal allergies we can be forced to endure.

Our Weslaco balloon sinuplasty specialist at the Glatz Group explains some of the main causes of fall allergies in today's blog, bringing awareness to some of the possible solutions to help relieve symptoms in the long run.

Common Fall Allergy Symptoms 

Dealing with seasonal allergies can leave us feeling irritated and annoyed. They tend to creep up during the most unexpected instances and can even affect the way we perform our respective day-to-day duties.

Some of the most common fall allergy symptoms include:

Fall Allergies Most Notable Triggers

Since the weather and environments can drastically change, a lot of unwanted dirt and pollen in the air makes its way into our sinuses, causing irritation.

The most common allergens that affect people in the fall include the following: 

Fall Allergy Treatment Methods

There are many different options when it comes to allergy relief that are both short-term and long-term.

Some short-term over-the-counter medications that will maintain allergy relief for a few days include oral antihistamines, nasal sprays, and decongestants. 

If any of these short-term options don't work for you, you may consider looking into nasal surgery such as balloon sinuplasty to provide long-term relief.

To accurately find out what specific treatment is suitable to treat your case, consult with our Weslaco otolaryngologist, Dr. Frank R. Glatz, at the Glatz Group to properly recommend medication and/or services based upon your needs.

Balloon Sinuplasty 

Balloon sinuplasty is a safe and effective procedure that is designed to slightly alter the affected sinus passageways and help them drain better without needing to remove any bone or tissue.

It is usually performed on those who suffer from severe cases of chronic sinusitis--which include similar symptoms to the ones mentioned earlier--and is a relatively quick procedure that can be administered by our trusted ENT in our Weslaco office.

A balloon sinuplasty is effective at opening up your nasal passages, creating enough space for them to properly drain and avoid developing sinus infections caused by fall season allergens.

In order to determine if your symptoms qualify for a balloon sinuplasty, schedule a consultation with our Weslaco sinus relief specialists of the Glatz Group today.

For all of your fall allergy relief needs, contact us now at (956) 631-2957. You’ll be Glatz you did!




Knowing just what causes sinus infections is the key to finding lasting relief through relevant treatment, especially for a condition that affects over 30 million Americans a year. While the most common symptoms are short term, they can eventually evolve into long-term complications if not treated correctly. 

Our experienced McAllen otolaryngologist, Dr. Frank R. Glatz, and his team of sinus relief specialists at the Glatz Group firmly believe that sinus health is important to your overall wellbeing and it is their responsibility to share their knowledge with you on how your sinuses properly function, what the most common causes of sinus infection are, and how they can be treated.

How Your Sinuses Function and Become Infected

Your sinuses are an intricate system. There are eight total sinus cavities that lie behind your nose, cheeks, and lower forehead. These air-filled cavities are responsible for producing mucus, which helps defend you from unwanted particles such as dirt, pollen, and dust while keeping your inner nasal passage moist.

So whenever there’s something interfering with the mucus production, your sinuses are unable to drain out, leading to a number of temporary, or even long-term, health issues.

When the sinuses are blocked, they eventually become clogged up with fluids, which then leads to unwanted bacterial grow within these chambers.

Some of the symptoms may include:

Individuals that have a weaker immune system are more likely to develop sinus infection from bacteria or mold.

Types of Sinus Infections and Recommended Treatment

The causation of sinus infections varies depending on its root cause. Listed below are several variants with recommended treatment options:

Other potential factors may also include:

It can be caused due to allergies, repeated infections, or immune disorders. Nasal polyps may affect your ability to breathe and smell and may even lead to more nasal infections.

Seek advice from Dr. Glatz if any of these affect your way of living. Surgery might be required if necessary.

McAllen Sinus Relief Specialists Working for You

Upon scheduling an appointment with our McAllen otolaryngologist at the Glatz Group, Dr. Glatz and our staff will carefully evaluate your symptoms in order to diagnose your condition and recommend applicable treatment designed to provide maximum sinus relief.

Contact our Mcallen office at (956) 631-2957 to schedule your next consultation today. You’ll be Glatz you did!

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