Any viral infection of the ears, nose, sinuses, or throat is referred to as an upper respiratory infection, or a URI.

These types of infections can be spread through direct contact, a cough, or a sneeze. While the most typical URI is the common cold, sinus infections, sore throat, and ear infections are other examples of URIs that can arise.

URIs frequently affect individuals mostly during fall and winter months, when the weather cools down. However, they can also happen in the spring and summer months. Most of the time, a URI is no big deal and goes away on its own within a week or so. Unfortunately, there are cases that may require medical attention or even some form of surgery.

Your McAllen certified physician assistant Jonathan Lerma and his team of sinus relief specialists at the Glatz Group of Valley ENT are here to help you understand what causes respiratory infections and offer some solutions.

URI Symptoms

If you have an upper respiratory infection, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms:

You can also have these symptoms with other conditions such as the flu, allergies or a bacterial infection. Most upper respiratory infections last from a few days to two weeks and cause no lasting issues.

What Causes Upper Respiratory Infections?

Many upper respiratory infections are caused by viruses. In fact, over 200 viruses can lead to symptoms similar to a cold. You’re more likely to suffer from an upper respiratory infection in the winter months when you spend more time indoors. Being in close contact with people who are sick also increases your risk.

Unfortunately, the viruses that cause upper respiratory infections are contagious and can spread easily from person to person, and can live on surfaces for up to 24 hours. Viruses can also access your nose and throat through the air, when someone with an upper respiratory tract infection coughs or sneezes near you.

Although upper respiratory infections and colds are inconvenient and make you feel lousy, they’re not uncommon. The average adult gets two to four colds per year and children get twice as many. If it seems like your child always has a cold, you’re not imagining it!

Treatment Options for URIs

Treatment for a URI usually involves limiting discomfort. The following things can help lessen the severity or duration of the symptoms:

Some over-the-counter medicines may also help adults with URI symptoms. These include:




Some people use home remedies to help alleviate URI symptoms. These include:

If your symptoms do not subside after a week or so or worsen over time, see an ENT specialist. Your McAllen ENT at Glatz Group can conduct a thorough exam and determine if the URI is a sign of a more serious condition like bronchitis, pneumonia, or allergies.

In the event that this is the case, antibiotics or an alternative treatment might be necessary. Many patients experience an improvement in their allergies after balloon sinuplasty, a minimally invasive procedure we provide at our office.

URI Prevention

There are several ways you can minimize your risk of catching a URI.

Wash your hands regularly with soap and warm water to prevent the spread of germs. Also, stay away from anyone who has a URI and wipe down doorknobs, countertops, and other frequently touched surfaces. In addition, do not smoke or vape, and use a tissue to cover your mouth any time you cough or sneeze.

Feel Better and Breathe Better With the Glatz Group of Valley ENT

Given the current circumstances of COVID-19, we still offer alternative options to have your symptoms addressed, including telemedicine.

For in-person appointments, your safety and comfort come first. For the peace of mind of all of our loyal patients and staff members, we’re taking all possible precautionary measures to protect our clients and team from the spread of COVID-19.

Don’t ignore your respiratory infection if it persists. Feel like yourself again after stopping by The Glatz Group of Valley ENT!

Book Your Appointment Today

If you’ve stopped by the Glatz Group offices in McAllen, chances are that you may have seen some new faces around. However, they’ve actually been loyal and integral staff members for years.

One of those Glatz Group team members you’ll become even more familiar with is Jonathan Lerma, our very own certified Physician Assistant. He’s now leading our team, delivering the same quality care and service as Dr. Glatz. 

Working alongside Dr. Glatz for a year and as a dedicated student for six months, Jonathan absorbed the lessons and wisdom of Dr. Glatz for nearly two years.  

Today, we’re here to tell you a little bit more about Jonathan Lerma and his trusted team of sinus relief specialists at the Glatz Group of Valley ENT, as well as what inspired his career path, and what quality patient care means to him.

A Certified Physician Assistant and a Family Man

Jonathan Lerma decided to settle down in the Rio Grande Valley for its amazing environment and the laidback lifestyle it has to offer. Family-oriented, Jonathan wanted to find a home best suited for his new family, including his baby girl.

He brings this fatherly perspective into his profession and wants to make sure you and your little ones are always comfortable whenever you stop by our Glatz Group office.

Lerma’s favorite hobbies outside of work and spending time with his family include sports like football, basketball, and soccer. 

A Passion for Medicine and Patient Care

Being involved in the medical field has always been a lifelong dream of Jonathan. He always carried a deep appreciation for those involved in the world of medicine and the impact they had on their patients. This passion grew stronger when he began to work with Dr. Glatz. 

What intrigues him the most about working as a certified Physician Assistant in the specialized area of ENT is how different every single day can be. Jonathan finds it fascinating how unique each case is, and enjoys having the opportunity to see all sides of the spectrum. 

His favorite part about being a part of Glatz Group is that he and his team are able to deliver medical services that are oftentimes outside of what a general doctor can do. 

Patient care, overall, will always be his top priority. He values what people remember from their visit to Glatz Group, and has plenty of fond memories of his own experiences with patients. Providing exceptional quality patient care, he believes he can have a positive impact on his clients’ lives. 

Early Warning Signs of Serious ENT Conditions

For those dealing with potential sinus-related health issues, here are some warning signs that Jonathan advises you should be aware of: 

Jonathan Lerma’s Goals for the Glatz Group

2020 has undeniably been the furthest thing from normal, but Lerma’s goal for the Glatz Group is to keep ensuring that patients are being properly taken care of. He’s also working closely with his team to deliver improved telemedicine services so that all patients can obtain the care they need, regardless of their ability to visit the office because of COVID-19.

The team will also continue to ensure that our offices follow all CDC recommendations for cleaning and protecting visitors. 

Balloon Sinuplasty Still the Best Relief for Sinus Issues 

For patients whose symptoms do not resolve with medication, Jonathan Lerma is able to perform the minimally invasive and effective procedure known as balloon sinuplasty. When it comes to your allergy and sinus problems, you can count on our McAllen Physician Assistant to take care of it.

If you’re experiencing any allergy or sinus issues, do not hesitate to set up an appointment with the Glatz Group of Valley ENT, and see Jonathan Lerma himself.


Book Your Appointment Today

Hurricane season can be unforgiving, as we most recently experienced here in the Rio Grande Valley with Hurricane Hanna.

The destruction hurricanes leave behind can take years to rebuild. The toll on an individual’s well-being and overall health can be just as serious, especially if they suffer from allergies or asthma.

As if COVID-19 concerns aren’t worrisome enough, allergy season is worse than ever this year, and hurricane season isn’t going to make it any better. If anything, it can worsen those symptoms. 

Today, your certified McAllen physician assistant, Jonathan Lerma, and his dependable team of sinus relief specialists at the Glatz Group of Valley ENT will help provide you with a better understanding of how hurricane season can worsen your allergies or asthma. 

Severe Weather Patterns Can Amplify Allergies and Asthma Symptoms

Weather patterns affect environmental allergies.

Hurricanes can make allergy and asthma symptoms worse due to the fact that pollen and mold spores spread into the air after intense weather conditions. The high winds spread those wet mold spores into the air and a lack of air circulation because of lost power allows more allergens to enter your home.

Following a severe storm, debris from trees and plants also become covered with mold and other triggers that can intensify allergic and asthmatic symptoms. Allergic reactions to mold include nasal congestion, coughing, and sneezing. Asthmatics can experience wheezing, tightness in the chest, coughing, and difficulty breathing.

Allergy season generally peaks once the leaves start to fall in October and November, but the damage caused by hurricanes results in many trees on the ground and a multitude of mold from standing water.

Post-Hurricane Cleanup Can Significantly Impact Your Health

The cleanup process should begin as soon as you're possibly able to. This can’t take place without proper preparation for those with pre-existing conditions, such as asthma, and those with weak immune systems.

When the floodwater recedes and cleanup starts, respiratory ailments rise as a result of mold. 

How to Clean Up Safely & Effectively

You should always take precautions when cleaning up after a hurricane since it comes with several risks. Mold can begin to grow shortly after flooding and can quickly take over a home. 

Try taking the following precautions when you being the cleaning process:

How to Manage Your Allergy or Asthma Symptoms Following a Hurricane

Your Allergy or Asthma Concerns Can Be Taken Care of by the Glatz Group of Valley ENT

We hope that the advice we shared can help to prepare you for what may come with hurricane season and your allergies. 

Since COVID-19 is an unresolved health crisis, we continue to look after the safety and well-being of our beloved staff and patients. If you would like to have your symptoms addressed without coming to the office, it can be conducted online with our telemedicine services.

Appointments are also a phone call away. 

If you are in need of an in-office procedure, we can set that up accordingly.


Schedule Your Appointment Now!

Smoking has been widely known to increase the risk for respiratory illnesses, as well as cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Naturally, smoking, as well as other bad habits, can negatively affect your sinuses.

The certified McAllen physician assistant Jonathan Lerma and his sinus relief team at the Glatz Group of Valley ENT are here to explain how smoking can cause issues with your sinuses.

How Your Nose and Sinuses Keep You Healthy

In order to comprehend how smoking harms your sinuses, you need to understand how your nose and sinuses help maintain your health. The membranes in your nose and sinuses are constantly developing mucus to protect your respiratory system.

The lining of your nose and sinuses is the same as the lining in your lungs. There are tiny hair-like structures called cilia that clean the nose, sinuses, and lungs of airborne matter, bacteria, and mucus. Smoking causes the cilia to stop functioning, making the smoker predisposed to increased infections of the lungs and sinuses.

The nose and sinuses create roughly one to two quarts of mucus each day. Usually, all that mucus goes to the back of your throat and you swallow it. When the cilia are damaged by smoking, the mucus backs up in the sinuses and bacteria begins to multiply there. This can result in a sinus infection.

The Link Between Smoking and ENT Problems

From the moment you first inhale tobacco smoke, it begins to irritate your entire upper airway. Irritating gases, such as ammonia and formaldehyde, cause your nose and sinuses to produce excessive mucus. This makes you more susceptible to colds and allergies and, eventually, to lung and throat cancer.

Other ENT-related hazards linked to smoking include:

Smoking has been shown to decrease immune function, which is your body's defense mechanism against diseases. When you stop smoking, it may take the nose and sinuses months to years to get back to normal. 

Other Habits That Can Affect Your Sinuses

1. Too Much Swimming

While swimming is a healthy activity to partake in, it too can have negative effects on your body. This is typically the case if you do too much of any activity. 

Swimming can lead to sinus pain, headaches, and congestion. Sometimes the pressure changes in the water can affect the nose and sinuses. However, an infection can happen due to unsanitary pool water or excess exposure to chlorine. 

High levels of chlorine in your system can also cause inflammation of your sinuses. When necessary, reduce your visits to the pool and your nose should begin to feel better.

2. Overusing Nasal Spray

Over time the body adjusts to particular things. For those who show symptoms of acute sinusitis, nasal sprays and decongestants are generally recommended by doctors. You can even purchase these over-the-counter at your local pharmacy. 

However, overusing decongestants can cause rhinitis medicamentosa, a condition that causes decongestants to worsen your symptoms.

Nasal sprays use a certain chemical to reduce the size of blood vessels. When applied directly to the nasal cavity, it opens up. However, daily use over a long period of time can make your nasal cavity immune to the medicine’s effect. 

The longer you use a nasal spray, the worse your symptoms can get. Try changing nasal sprays or going cold turkey for a few days.

Come See the Glatz Group of Valley ENT About Your Sinuses

Our specialists often see the results of smoking on the nose, sinuses, and throat, so their advice is based on experience. Simply put, smoking and good sinus health do not mix. Cut out or minimize bad habits to protect your sinuses from ruining your quality of life. 

And if you’re looking for a more permanent solution, we can help.

As practitioners of surgeries like balloon sinuplasty, our physician assistant and sinus relief specialists are more than qualified to offer long-term relief. Even during these times of uncertainty, we like to provide certainty to the quality of our patient care. 

With telemedicine, we can successfully address your allergy or sinus symptoms without meeting in person. We also offer online consultations or phone calls.

Set Up Your Consultation Today!

If you're allergic to outdoor allergens, you’re probably familiar with how to relieve some of the symptoms, but what about those sneaky allergens that can dwell within your home? 

Plenty of allergens can hide indoors, causing you plenty of sneezing, coughing, and discomfort. The good news is that your local certified McAllen physician assistant Jonathan Lerma, and his sinus relief team at the Glatz Group at VALLEY ENT, know all about the top hidden allergy triggers that can exist inside your home and what you can do about them. 

1. Get Dust Mites Out of Your Sight

Microscopic dust mites live on dead skin cells shed by us and our furry friends. They are generally to blame for allergy symptoms, and these little bugs can hide everywhere in your home where dust builds up like hard surfaces, tabletops, bookshelves, and hardwood floors.

In addition, dust mites love warm, humid areas, which make soft surfaces where you sit and rest good hiding spots. These include bedding, carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture. Curtains hide dust mites, too. 

To get rid of dust mites and reduce dust mite allergy:

  1. Vacuum your home frequently.
  2. Wash rugs and curtains frequently.
  3. Dust regularly.
  4. Run a dehumidifier to eliminate moisture from the air.

2. Take Care of Your Pets While Taking Care of Yourself

Pet allergens go beyond just dander and fur. Those who are allergic to pets may also allergic to their saliva and urine. Sadly, you may have to get rid of your pets depending on the severity of your allergies, but if your allergies are manageable, take efforts to minimize pet allergens in your home by:

  1. Washing your pet along with their bedding and toys every week.
  2. Asking if someone else can clean up your pet’s waste.
  3. Washing your hands after petting your little furry friend.
  4. Keeping your pet outside of your bedroom. 

3. Make Your Bed Safe to Rest Your Head

You spend a lot of time in your bed, and it just so happens to be a prime spot for household allergens. Dust mites and pet allergies gather in your mattress, sheets, and pillows. 

Get rid of these allergens by:

  1. Covering your mattress and pillows in an allergen-proof protective cover.
  2. Using a protective cover on your comforter. If it isn't washable, protect it with a zipped cover that blocks any air from getting in.
  3. Washing all your bedding weekly in hot water, at least 130 degrees, and dry it on the hot setting.

4. Get Rid of Mold From Your Household

Mold spores are common indoor allergens. Your bathroom and kitchen are primary spots where mold spores tend to germinate, but any area that's damp or where there’s standing water or leakage can grow mold.

Get rid of mold by:

  1. Fixing any water leaks or issues in your home to prevent mold growth.
  2. Running a dehumidifier in any humid area in your home.
  3. Making sure there's good airflow in rooms that get the most moisture.
  4. Cleaning any mold off with a bleach and water solution.

It also helps to refrain from putting carpeting in moist or humid regions.

5. Kick Cockroaches to the Curb

Cockroaches can crawl into any home, leaving behind droppings and skin sheddings that can set off your allergies. They usually find their way into your home through cracks and holes, openings around your doors and windows, and sometimes through the plumbing.

These resilient critters are not exclusive to a dirty home. In fact, any home with a food and water source--even non-food items like clothing and paper--can be a paradise for a cockroach.

Keeping a tidy kitchen sink and floor free from foodstuffs and water and sealing up all of their entrances, however, can help you get rid of your cockroach, and allergen, problem.

6. Smoke is No Joke

Aside from the more obvious dangers that smoking presents, tobacco smoke can make your allergy symptoms, and asthma, much worse. While the smoke itself may be a primary irritant, many in the medical field also believe it may be due to an allergy to any of the many harmful chemicals that are present in each inhale.

The bottom line, however, is that you shouldn't smoke or let others smoke inside your home or vehicle if you have allergies that stem from cigarette smoke--and for primary health concerns as well. The smoke settles in your furniture, carpets, and curtains for a long time, and this can mess with your airways and worsen other allergies in the process over a long period of time.

7. Keeping Outside Allergens Outside

Pollen can float its way into your home through the slight breeze that accompanies you inside, your clothes, your hair, and your pet’s fur, making the time you spend indoors unbearable. By the same token, if you leave your windows open or let your laundry air-dry outside, outdoor allergens will gladly invite themselves in.

Reduce outdoor pollen exposure by:

  1. Keeping your windows shut and run your air conditioner.
  2. Changing clothes after having been outside, and take a shower immediately.
  3. Drying your laundry indoors.
  4. Washing your pets regularly to wash away any pollen.

8. Take Care of Your Air...Quality

Clearing out the sources of allergens is the best way for you to ensure that the air in your home is clean. Make sure your vacuum has a HEPA air filter to catch tiny particles of allergens and search for air conditioner filters that are able to filter them out as well.

In fact, don't start your car in the garage if the garage is attached to your home, and don't keep chemicals like pesticides inside your home. These fumes these objects produce can aggravate your airways and worsen allergy symptoms.  

Get All the Answers to Your Allergy Questions at VALLEY ENT With the Glatz Group

If you are still struggling with allergies after following these tips, it may be time to pay a visit to your McAllen ENT to discuss your options for relief.

Despite COVID-19 concerns, we want to remind our guests that we are doing everything possible to maintain health standards in our office for the safety and wellbeing of you and our staff. 

The use of telemedicine has allowed us to address 90 to 95% of our patients’ allergy symptoms without an in-person meeting, but we also take online consultations, phone calls, and in-person visits as well.


Let the Glatz Group at VALLEY ENT help you address your allergies to these hidden allergens by scheduling a consultation today.

Book Your Consultation Now

Do you wake up with a scratchy throat in the morning? Coughing fits keeping you up at night? When your body produces extra mucus, you might feel it drip down or build up in the back of your throat from your nose. This is what is known as post-nasal drip and could be the very reason why you are experiencing such troubles.

The good news is that our certified McAllen physician assistant Jonathan Lerma and his sinus relief specialists at the Glatz Group, members of Valley ENT, know all there is to know about post-nasal drip and want to share this information with you--along with a few things you can do at home to help you get some relief.

It’s More Common Than You Think

Post-nasal drip is a common occurrence that has affected almost everyone at some point in their lives. The glands in your nose and throat constantly create mucus in order to combat infections and bring moisture to nasal membranes. In fact, you usually swallow the mucus without even noticing it.

It is likely that you’ve had post-nasal drip if you have experienced the following symptoms:

But What Exactly Causes Post-Nasal Drip?

Several conditions can cause post-nasal drip, but allergies are one of the most common. If you’re an allergy sufferer, it is best you steer clear of your triggers or take medicine beforehand if you know you will be exposed.

Another common cause is a deviated septum, meaning that the thin wall of cartilage between your nostrils (or septum) is displaced or leans to one side. Not only does it make one nasal passage smaller, but it can also get in the way of proper mucus drainage, which results in post-nasal drip.

Other causes of post-nasal drip include:

In particular cases, the issue causing post-nasal drip isn’t excessive mucus, but your throat’s inability to clear it. Swallowing problems or gastric reflux can make liquids accumulate in your throat, which also gives you that post-nasal drip sensation.

A Few Things You Can Do at Home

There are plenty of options to turn to when it comes to home treatments for post-nasal drip symptom relief:

  1. Over-the-counter decongestants like pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) can help decrease congestion and get rid of post-nasal drip.
  2. Newer antihistamines like loratadine-pseudoephedrine (Claritin) can work to get rid of post-nasal drip. However, these are more effective after being taken for numerous days.
  3. Saline nasal sprays can help moisten your nasal passageways and lessen your post-nasal drip symptoms.
  4. Sleeping with your head slightly elevated can also enhance proper drainage.
  5. Staying hydrated is equally as important to prevent post-nasal drip as it is to treat it. Drinking warm or hot liquid, like tea or chicken soup, can thin out mucus, and as usual, don’t forget to drink a good amount of water. This thins out the mucus and keeps your nasal passages moistened, relieving discomfort.

When Should I See an ENT?

Set up an appointment with your doctor if your symptoms have not gone away after attempting at-home treatments for more than 10 days, especially if you experience any of these symptoms:

These may be symptoms of a bacterial infection, which require antibiotics. However, if you think GERD, acid reflux, or trouble swallowing could be the source of your post-nasal drip sensation, your primary care physician can run tests and prescribe medications to check for other health issues.

Extra Tips to Prevent Post-Nasal Drip

The best way to prevent post-nasal drip is by reducing your exposure to allergens. Here are some additional tips that can go a long way:

Be Post-Nasal Drip Free After Seeing The Glatz Group at Valley ENT

Post-nasal drip is not something that shouldn’t be ignored. If you face any other symptoms alongside the post-nasal drip, consider making an appointment with the Glatz Group for treatment recommendations.

We continue to take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of our patients and staff from the COVID-19 pandemic. With telemedicine, we’ve been able to address most of our patients’ allergy symptoms without meeting face-to-face with a 90 to 95% success rate. We also schedule in-office appointments, book online consultations, and accept phone calls.  

Get post-nasal drip relief today. Ask for the Glatz Group at VALLEY ENT. 

Schedule Your Consultation Now

With mandatory shelter-at-home ordinances still in place, your team here at the Glatz Group believes everyone should make it a top priority to not only stay safe, but also to stay healthy - and getting enough sleep is essential to your health. 

If you’re suffering from interrupted sleep, this can result in all kinds of issues. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is one condition known to negatively affect your sleep. This disorder makes it difficult for you to breathe properly while sleeping, which can cause serious health problems as it progresses.

If you or a loved one are dealing with sleep apnea, there’s no need to fret. Our certified McAllen physician assistant Jonathan Lerma and his right-hand team of sinus relief specialists at the Glatz Group are here to explain how our in-office procedure, known as balloon sinuplasty, can help you. 

Symptoms of OSA

According to the National Sleep Foundation, obstructive sleep apnea affects more than 18 million Americans. It is important to understand the symptoms of this condition to know what to look out for. 

Symptoms of OSA include but are not limited to:

Snoring and sleep apnea are often confused as one and the same. In general, individuals who have untreated OSA may snore, but only certain individuals who snore actually have sleep apnea.

Snoring occurs because of a vibration in one’s breathing patterns. While snoring may be a symptom of sleep apnea, true sleep apnea is when an individual experiences several pauses in their breathing as they sleep. 

Causes of Sleep Apnea

Causes of sleep apnea involve a number of factors and would require a thorough evaluation by our team. It is imperative to determine the causes as they are unique to every patient. Typical causes include the following nasal and sinus conditions:

Dangerous Outcomes if OSA Goes Untreated

If you have OSA and it goes untreated, you can face some serious health issues. These include:

How Balloon Sinuplasty Can Help

Your obstructive sleep apnea may be the source of your sinusitis. In sinusitis, sinuses are inflamed, therefore blocking the nasal passages, which impairs breathing, potentially leading to further health issues. 

A fairly common treatment for OSA is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Unfortunately, this method does not always give the best relief for your sinus problems. Another issue with CPAP is that the treatment takes place over a longer period of time, which is not an ideal option if you want quick relief.

For the most promising sinus relief, you may want to consider balloon sinuplasty as a treatment for OSA. This non-invasive procedure can be performed in our office with minimal pain.

Balloon sinuplasty helps by resolving chronic sinus congestion and recurring sinus infections, while also improving the state of nasal breathing, reducing snoring and improving issues related to your sleep apnea.

You’ll be Glatz to Catch Some Z’s!

With the Glatz Group, you can be on your way to sinus relief and catching up on sleep. You should always look after your health concerns to prevent future problems. 

Please be aware that we are taking all required precautions to ensure our staff and our patients stay safe and healthy. Right now we are using telemedicine to address the needs of our patients.

Online consultations or phone calls are also accepted.

If you need to schedule a treatment with balloon sinuplasty or an in-person examination for your OSA or sinusitis, we may also arrange an in-house procedure for you as soon as we can.

Rest assured with the help of the Glatz Group.

Schedule Your Consultation Now!

As we enter another month into the pandemic, the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to affect people in our country and around the globe. In times like these, we must remain calm, be rational, and do our best in being aware of the symptoms and methods of prevention.

While much of the virus’ symptoms may seem like something more common like allergies or the flu, your local McAllen certified physician assistant Jonathan Lerma, and the skilled team of sinus relief specialists at the Glatz Group are here to help crack down the facts regarding this virus.

Symptoms of COVID-19 Vs Allergy or Flu Symptoms

The symptoms of the coronavirus should not be confused with those of allergies or the flu. While we cannot stress enough that the public must make note of any possible signs of coronavirus, however, similar symptoms can result in confusion about what may be the primary illness. Here's how you can differentiate between allergies, the flu, or the virus.

1. Allergy Symptoms

The American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology lists the following symptoms of allergies as:

2. Flu Symptoms

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that influenza (flu) may lead to mild to severe illness and, at times, can cause death to those who come across it. Symptoms of the flu involve:

3. COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Symptoms

The CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) mention the following in their list of COVID-19 symptoms:

Other Key Differences Between the Virus and Other Illnesses

1. Coronavirus and flu symptoms can be more systemic.

The flu and the coronavirus can impact other systems along the upper and lower respiratory tract. If your nose isn’t runny but you notice a sore throat, a cough, a fever, or shortness of breath, that is how you can determine if what you have is related to the symptoms presented by the flu or COVID-19.

Keep an eye on your temperature, as it's highly unlikely that allergies would lead to a fever. They often don't create a shortness of breath either, unless you’ve got a preexisting condition such as asthma.

2. Allergy symptoms can happen on a regular basis.

If you encountered the same symptoms at the same time every year, you're more than likely dealing with seasonal allergies. If that’s the case, we can provide you with the right medication as well as other typical treatment options like Balloon Sinuplasty to help you feel better.

3. Coronavirus and flu symptoms can physically drain you.

If you catch the flu or the coronavirus, you’ll feel extremely exhausted and achy, so much so that getting out of bed could feel nearly impossible. Allergies can cause your drowsiness, but they won’t make your muscles or joints ache.

4. Cold and mild flu symptoms tend to simmer down over time.

With regular illnesses, you can expect to feel better with adequate rest and care within a matter of days, unless you’re elderly or face any underlying health issues where even less severe illnesses can take more time to overcome.

5. Coronavirus and flu symptoms can worsen as time goes on.

If you have a bad case of the flu or coronavirus, you might get worse when you’re anticipating getting over it. That is when you should seek medical care if you haven’t already. The main cause for concern of COVID-19 would be if you felt a shortness of breath. Individuals can also get pneumonia from the flu, so either way, your best interest is to receive medical attention immediately.

6. Early symptoms of allergies, cold, flu, and coronavirus could be similar.

Unfortunately, the beginning stages of allergies, colds, flus, and the coronavirus can be related, and some coronavirus and flu cases can be so minor that they may not cause much concern. That's why you must pay attention to the severity and duration of your symptoms, then find out if you’re part of an at-risk party.

Elderly people, people with asthma or other lung problems, people with heart disease or diabetes, and pregnant women may be more susceptible to contracting the virus and are also among the individuals that are often more at risk of succumbing to the virus.

7. Coronavirus cases generally have a bit of context.

If you believe you have the coronavirus, you must consider the following:

What You Can Do to Prevent Illness and Protect Yourself

As there currently is no existing vaccine to prevent COVID-19, the best method to prevent illness is to avoid any potential exposure to this virus. The virus is said to spread from person-to-person, whether it’s between those who are in close contact with one another--within approximately six feet--or through respiratory droplets made when an infected individual coughs or sneezes. Once airborne, these droplets can travel into the mouths, noses, or eyes of those who are in close proximity.
Here are some steps you can take to prevent and protect yourself and those around you from COVID-19:

Wash your hands as much as you can, and use hand sanitizer if you aren’t near a sink or soap. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with dirty hands.
Avoid close contact with those who appear to be sick.
Keep a safe distance between yourself from others if COVID-19 is spreading in your community.
Stay home if you feel sick.
Cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing.
Wear a facemask.
Clean and disinfect surfaces you touch frequently.
Dr. Glatz also mentioned that chloroquine, an antimalarial drug, has been shown to slow down viral replication, reproduction, and maybe early survival. However, don’t see this information as a reason to live in fear. See it as an opportunity to be proactive, hygienic, and safe rather than sorry. The best thing we can do is take the precautionary measures necessary.

To learn more about what you can do to prevent a COVID-19 infection, or to differentiate the symptoms from allergies, the flu, or other ear, nose, or throat illnesses, set up a consultation with us today.

You’ll be Glatz You Did!



As we approach the Spring season in a matter of weeks, most of us are anticipating the beauty and warmth of the great outdoors. Unfortunately, millions of Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies are in for a stormy vengeance of sniffling, sneezing, and itchy eyes the season.

It might be time to start stocking up on tissues for your sinus issues. Today, our local McAllen ENT Dr. Frank R. Glatz, trusted and certified physician assistant Jonathan Lerma, and the diligent team of sinus relief specialists here at the Glatz Group will go into what to expect this season and how to prepare for the worst.

What to Expect This Spring

According to AccuWeather meteorologists, those who suffer from seasonal allergies should prepare themselves for a long, intense season this spring. Pollen levels are expected to be above average for a large section of the US, a region with a population of 193 million people that stretches from Texas to Michigan and on eastward.

With more than 50 million Americans experiencing the discomfort of seasonal allergies, it is predicted that this spring’s more-than-average rainfall, coupled with near-average temperatures, will promote the production of grass, weed, and tree pollen.

Areas Affected: Types of Allergy Sufferers Affected

Those who suffer from grass pollen may have a long, unforgiving season ahead of them into the summer. These weather and growing conditions also mean that the season may come a-knocking even earlier than we normally would anticipate, for the first time since 1986. 

The same stands for tree pollen from the mid-Atlantic spread through the Gulf and the Southern Plains. The East and the Gulf coastline should expect a harsher tree pollen season this 2020.

The forecast in those regions will also be a concern for those whose allergies are triggered by weed pollen, since levels are way above average and could continue on right into the fall.

The rest of the country will not be affected as severely, but allergy sufferers in a couple of locations should probably have their tissues ready and available for use.

Trust Your McAllen ENT to Help Treat Your Allergies

The best method to handle spring allergy symptoms is to visit our board-certified ENT at the Glatz Group, who can gladly help you develop a treatment plan catered to your specific needs which may require taking recommended medicines prior to the season starting.

Another option that either Dr. Glatz or Jonathan may propose, depending on the severity of your symptoms and how they react to medications, you may want to consider if you qualify for a procedure done in our very own office known as balloon sinuplasty. The purpose of this operation is to make your sinus passages expand, enabling your sinuses to drain more efficiently while they flush away allergens. This procedure functions as a longer-lasting alternative for patients with symptoms that don’t seem to cooperate or simmer down with the help of medications.

Anesthesia is not mandatory for this procedure, and patients are usually able to resume their daily lives after at least 24 hours of recovery have passed.

The best way to choose the treatment that will work most effectively for your particular symptoms is by speaking with our skilled sinus relief team at Glatz Group in order to prepare for the worst allergy season sooner rather than later.

We also highly suggest limiting or avoiding going outdoors at peak times of the day for pollen, which generally can range from 5 a.m. to 10 a.m. to dusk. At the same time, warmer, breezy days tend to exacerbate conditions for allergy sufferers.

Do not wait until spring has sprung to manage your allergy symptoms. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Frank R. Glatz by calling (956) 631-2957 today. You’ll be Glatz you did!




When it comes to your allergies, understanding which treatment is right for you will depend on the severity of your symptoms and what kind of allergy you are dealing with. When considering medical care, it’s important to understand all of your options and understand exactly how they work in order to make the best decision on which treatment would work best for you.

Let your local McAllen ENT, Dr. Frank R. Glatz and his team of sinus relief specialists at the Glatz Group, provide you with a list of treatment options to manage those pesky symptoms.

Options for Treating Your Allergy Symptoms

1. Avoiding Allergies

The best way to avoid allergies before taking medication is to try your best to steer clear from whatever may trigger your symptoms. This helps to prevent issues before they even begin and curb your need for medications.

Some ways to accomplish this is by getting rid of the source of allergies, whether it be an issue within your home, a pet, or flowers in your garden that add to the problem.

2. Medications

Some people choose not to take medications because they feel as if their symptoms aren’t that serious. You may be telling yourself it’s just your allergies, but ignoring them can lead to even bigger, more painful issues like sinus or ear infections. 

However, it’s not a risk worth taking. 

There are plenty of safe, over-the-counter medications to alleviate allergy symptoms. These include, but are not limited to:

3. Immunotherapy

There are two types of immunotherapy: allergy shots and sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT).

Allergy shots, also referred to as subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT), involve getting injections of allergies in increasing doses over time. It will help you become progressively less sensitive to your allergy. 

Allergy shots can be most effective for those who suffer from allergies caused by pollen, pets, dust, bees or other stinging insects. This treatment alters the immune system, making it strong enough to prevent the development of new allergies and asthma.

Allergy tablets are a form of sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) that treat particular allergies without shots and are placed beneath the tongue. The tablets work in the same way as shots, as they tone down symptoms by helping the body defend itself against allergies. FDA-approved SLIT tablets are designed to treat allergies to ragweed, grass pollen, and dust mites. 

However, what sets tablets aside from shots is that they do not prevent the possibility of new allergies and asthma from developing. 

4. Schedule a visit with your local ENT 

If these options do not provide you relief, or your symptoms worsen, you may want to see if you’re eligible for a procedure performed in our office called balloon sinuplasty. The purpose of the balloon sinuplasty procedure is to expand your sinus passageways. Balloon sinuplasty is an effective, lasting option for patients with symptoms that haven’t been resolved with medication. 

The balloon sinuplasty procedure doesn’t require general anesthesia, and in most cases, patients are able to go about their normal activities within 24 hours.

These treatment options should be useful, but in order to determine the ideal treatment for your specific symptoms, you can count on the sinus relief team at Glatz Group to guide you in the process for a healthier tomorrow. 

If your allergy symptoms don’t go away or get worse, do not wait to schedule a consultation with Dr. Frank R. Glatz as soon as you dial (956) 631-2957. You’ll be Glatz you did!

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