The treatment for VCD over the long term usually involves breathing exercises and speech training. In emergencies, healthcare pr\oviders may use a mixture of helium and oxygen to allow for better airflow. In severe emergency cases, a tracheostomy may be performed to allow air to enter the neck from below the vocal cords. While we’re happy to provide the care you need to manage your VCD, we do not offer emergency medical care. If you are having an emergency, dial 911 or go to an emergency room or urgent care clinic.
While the symptoms of the condition can be incredibly frightening, it’s important to note that VCD is not a life-threatening condition. Still, if you’re having trouble breathing, you can absolutely seek emergency care from an emergency department or urgent care clinic.
VCD can be triggered by a wide range of irritants, and some people may be more at risk than others. Exposure to dust, smoke, or chemicals can trigger VCD, along with exercise, acid reflux, post-nasal drip, and overusing your voice. Because of the high level of exercise, athletes are more likely to experience VCD, along with those more likely to be exposed to irritants.
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