March 16, 2022

How a Sinus Doctor Can Help You

If you’re dealing with sinus problems, it might be time to consult a sinus doctor. Whether you’re struggling with cold-like symptoms, including runny nose, sore throat, and headaches, or are looking for simple allergy relief, an ENT has the answers you need.

If you have severe symptoms that last longer than a week, consider reaching out to your McAllen ear, nose, and throat doctor for help.

What Does an ENT Do?

Also known as otolaryngologists and sinus doctors, ENTs treat issues in your ear, nose, and throat as well as some related issues in your head or neck. An experienced ENT can help you find relief from the following issues.

  • Pressure in the head and ears
  • Ear infections 
  • Sinus issues such as viral infections 
  • Sleep disorders such as excessive snoring
  • Reduced sense of smell
  • Reduced or complete loss of hearing
  • Chronic post nasal drip
  • Difficulty breathing via the nose
  • Balance issues

ENTs also sometimes perform cosmetic and restorative surgeries to help patients improve their breathing and their self-confidence.

Balloon Sinuplasty Treatment

Out of all of the treatments an ENT can provide, balloon sinuplasty is one of the most common procedures used to eliminate sinus issues. The procedure works to reshape your sinus pathways in order to facilitate sinus drainage and congestion relief.

Compared to other options such as nasal sprays and medical therapy, balloon sinuplasty is usually more effective and long-lasting. Your ENT can tell you whether or not you may benefit from the procedure, but it does have some general advantages you can keep in mind:

  • The Food and Drug Administration has approved balloon sinuplasty as a safe, effective, and less-invasive alternative to surgery.
  • Usually, no tissue is removed as a part of this procedure, meaning patients will typically experience less bleeding and pain, as well as a shorter recovery time.
  • Balloon sinuplasty can be combined with other treatments, like medical therapies or surgeries.

What to Expect From Your First Appointment

There are a few things you can expect from your first appointment with an ENT. First of all, you can rest assured that your ENT is here to help you find solutions to your medical problems, so there’s no need to be nervous about saying the right things. A typical first appointment will follow the steps listed below:

Establishing a Medical History

Your sinus doctor will first ask you questions about your current symptoms and medical conditions, as well as your medical history. In most cases, your ENT will ask for information not just about your health history, but also the history of your close relatives. Be as honest and comprehensive as you can.

A Physical Examination

After establishing your history and gathering information about your problem, your doctor will administer a physical examination. This exam can identify any problems related to your sinuses, ears, nose, throat, head, or neck. 

Additional Diagnoses

Following the physical examination, your sinus doctor may require additional testing, including but not limited to the following:

  • Digital imaging for an in-depth look at your sinus pathways
  • Nasal endoscopy to view the inside of your sinuses
  • Sinus swab to detect any sinus infections, such as bacterial or fungal issues
  • Allergy testing to see if any of your symptoms or conditions are the result of allergies

Reach Out for Sinus Relief Today! You’ll Be Glatz You Did!

Our team of ENTs are ready to diagnose and treat your sinus issues. Whether you need simple treatment, like relieving ear pressure, or can benefit from more extensive treatments options, like balloon sinuplasty, our team is here to help! 

With years of experience giving the highest-quality care to our patients, you can put your trust in us for any sinus issues! 

To book your appointment, reach out to us today! Get sinus relief when you visit The Glatz Group of Valley ENT!




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Dr. Glatz is committed to patient care and positive results. He will remain committed to solving your sinus issues. Specific guarantees depend on your insurance carrier.

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